Any fungal lesion is rather unpleasant, because, firstly, it is sometimes difficult to diagnose, and secondly, it is difficult to find a suitable remedy for treatment.
Clotrimazole, a tablet of which is intended forvaginal application, are based on an antifungal substance, the same name with the name of the drug itself (dosage of 100 or 200 or 500 mg). Auxiliaries include lactose, aerosil, corn starch, soda, tartaric acid, magnesium stearate.
Pharmacological characteristics
Clotrimazole is an imidazole derivative.It is an antifungal agent of a fairly wide range. The effect of taking the drug is achieved through a violation of the synthesis of ergostin, which enters the cell membrane of the fungi. Taking clotrimazole causes changes in the structure of the membrane, its properties and cell lysis. The drug is particularly sensitive to dermatophytes, mold fungi, pathogens Pityriasis versicolor and sciatica, as well as yeast fungi, Candida and Torulopsis glabrata. Antimicrobial action against staphylococci and streptococci, as well as gram-negative bacteria
Clotrimazole tablets - indications for use
- the presence of smears of genital infections in smears (yeast fungi of the genus Candida and Trichomonas);
- diagnosis of vulvovaginal candidiasis, trichomoniasis;
- genital superinfection from bacteria with sensitivity to clotrimazole;
- prevention before gynecological procedures.
Clotrimazole, whose tablets should be used strictly according to the instructions, is used as follows.
When treating vaginal infectionprescribe 1 tablet 1 time per day (mostly in the evening). The tablet should be inserted as deep as possible directly into the vagina. The course of treatment is usually about 6 days, if necessary, the period is doubled.
Clotrimazole tablets - side effects
Perhaps the appearance of spasms in the lower GI tract, rash, generalized erythema. There may also be local reactions: tingling and burning, redness of the vaginal mucosa.
Tablets vaginal clotrimazole - contraindications
Contraindication to taking the drug is hypersensitivity to the main active substance - clotrimazole, as well as the I trimester of the ongoing pregnancy.
Special Recommendations
Need to pay attention to what treatmentinfection must necessarily be passed at both sex partners simultaneously. Only this way it will be possible to prevent its further spread, otherwise there will be a mutual infection, and the treatment will not have any effect. Such a diagnosis, like trichomoniasis, suggests that other drugs with systemic action are prescribed in the course of treatment with clotrimazole.
It is not recommended to use tablets duringmenses. With the oral method of taking the drug may develop anorexia, vomiting, nausea, gastralgia and other disorders, liver damage, hallucinations, pollakiuria, skin allergic reactions. If at least one of these listed reactions is manifested, immediately take an activated charcoal to cleanse the body and seek medical help from a doctor.
Clotrimazole poorly compatible with polyeneantibiotics (amphotericin, nystatin, natamycin, etc.), it reduces their action. Simultaneous reception with nystatin leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of both drugs. Enhance the effect of the drug can propyl ester of ordinary para-hydroxybenzoic acid (high concentrations). Dexamethasone has the opposite effect. Tablets stored in dry, dark places. Air temperature should be between 5 ° C and 25 ° C. Children should be excluded from the drug. The useful life of Clotrimazole is 3 years.
Thus, Clotrimazole tablets, the reviews of which are mostly positive, are an excellent remedy against fungal lesions and do give an effect.