/ / Candles "Clotrimazole": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Candles "Clotrimazole": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

The article will consider the instructions for use for candles "Clotrimazole" for thrush.

Suppositories help women overcomevaginal candidiasis and other genital infections caused by the fungus Candida. Candles are dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription from the doctor. They are intended for vaginal administration. Self-use of the drug is not recommended, because before use it is necessary to make sure that the disease is caused by a Candida fungus.

clotrimazole candles instructions for use

Properties of the preparation

According to the instructions, candles "Clotrimazole" haveantifungal effect, due to which they are often prescribed in gynecological practice. The components of suppositories are particularly active with respect to the fungi that provoke the appearance of thrush. Candidiasis is not included in the category of sexually transmitted diseases, but can be sexually transmitted.

Can cause candidiasis various violationsvaginal microflora on the background of taking certain drugs, including antibacterial agents. Symptoms similar to candidiasis, manifest Trichomonas and bacterial vaginitis, which lead to the development of the inflammatory process in the female genital organs.

Can I use candles "Clotrimazole" during pregnancy? Instructions for use contains information about this.

The drug is used asadjuvant in the treatment of the above pathologies of the female body. The drug is a drug with a pronounced antimycotic effect and is used for local use.

clotrimazole candle application instructions for thrush

The main focus of its impact is the elimination of such harmful microorganisms as:

  1. Staphylococcus.
  2. Streptococcus.
  3. Trichomonas.
  4. Mold fungi.
  5. Dermatophytes.

As for trichomoniasis, it is unpleasantdisease of the female reproductive system should be treated with "clotrimazole" at the first signs of pathology. In this case, the candles act as an adjuvant, in addition to the main treatment. As a single agent for trichomoniasis, the remedy will not produce the expected positive effect.


As indicated by the instructions for candles "clotrimazole"positive dynamics in the treatment is achieved due to its main component, which adversely affects the shells of harmful cells. The active substance of the drug is called clotrimazole and affects mainly pathogenic fungi Candida. In addition, clotrimazole inhibits the activity of other provocateurs of the development of vaginal candidiasis, namely yeast fungi. After the death of the last woman ceases to suffer from discomfort in the genital region, accompanied by itching and burning. In addition, white cheesy and vaginal discharges with an unpleasant sour smell pass.

The composition of suppositories is supplemented with various auxiliary components, such as potato starch, lactose, magnesium stearate, citric acid, and microcrystalline cellulose.

Form of issue

In pharmacies, you can find various forms of releasesuppositories "Clotrimazole", which differ in the concentration of the active ingredient. The drug is made in the dosage of 100, 200 and 500 mg of clotrimazole in one suppository.

clotrimazole candles instructions for use for women

In addition, the drug is made in the form of tablets of 1, 3 and 6 pieces in one package. They are equipped with a special applicator that allows you to enter the drug deep into the vagina.

Suppositories of white color, dense consistency and oblong shape. Sometimes they have a specific smell.

Instructions for candles "Clotrimazole" very detailed.


Yeast, provoking the appearance ofthrush, multiply in the vagina fairly quickly and on the second day after infection appear extremely unpleasant signs of candidiasis. The main symptoms of the pathology are itching of the external genital organs, burning during urination, and abundant white cheesy clotted vaginal discharge.

As a rule, it is the discharge of white color that signals the beginning of the pathological process and distinguishes candidiasis from other infectious diseases of the female reproductive system.

Vaginitis of bacterial origin may notcharacterized by the presence of specific secretions, but the woman does not avoid discomfort. Itching and burning always accompany this pathology of the female reproductive system.

Before you start using Clotrimazole, you must carefully study the instructions, including paying special attention to the compatibility of the drug with other drugs.

Clotrimazole Candle Pregnancy Instructions

Interaction with other drugs

What else does the candlestick instruction tell us?"Clotrimazole"? When treating candidiasis and various types of vaginitis, consider how the drug is combined with other drugs. This is due to the fact that the drug is used in combination with other means for the treatment of candidiasis.

It is not recommended to combine the use ofsuppositories with substances such as natamycin, amphotericin B, as they are able to reduce the effectiveness of clotrimazole. The same applies to certain types of antibiotics belonging to the fourth generation.


It is strictly forbidden to use morecandles per day than prescribed instructions for use and prescription. Also under a categorical prohibition is the use of alcoholic beverages, as it also affects the effectiveness of clotrimazole in the direction of reduction.

It is very important to remember that the treatment must take place.both sex partners. This will prevent the recurrence of urogenital infections. Undesirable sex before treatment is completed in order to avoid re-infection.

Do not use the applicator during pregnancy.Candles are also used with caution in patients with liver failure. In this case, you will need regular medical supervision during therapy. If within a month there is no positive dynamics in the patient's condition, then you should cancel the use of "Clotrimazole" and consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis and choose a more suitable treatment regimen.

How to take candles "Clotrimazole" according to the instructions for thrush?


The dosage should be determined by the attending physician taking into accountthe specifics of the patient’s body, the intensity of symptoms of the disease and the nature of the pathology. If the therapy can be started at the first manifestations of the disease, the minimum daily dosage is prescribed in the form of a single suppository at bedtime. It is necessary to carry out treatment no more than ten days.

clotrimazole instruction on the use of candles during pregnancy

В более запущенных и тяжелых случаях проявления Pathology is assigned the maximum dosage of suppositories - 500 mg. The daily dosage is two suppositories in the morning and evening. The course of treatment is also up to ten days.

Before you enter the suppository, you mustcarry out hygienic measures. This will increase the effectiveness of Clotrimazole and reduce the likelihood of re-infection. To carry out the introduction of suppositories should be through a special applicator included in the package. In the absence of a positive result from treatment with candles with clotrimazole, it is necessary to consult a doctor for a more accurate diagnosis.

Adverse Reactions and Overdose

According to the instructions for use and reviews to candles "Clotrimazole", the following undesirable reactions may occur during treatment:

  1. Frequent cases of migraine.
  2. Painful urination.
  3. Frequent urge to urinate.
  4. Soreness during intercourse.
  5. Cystitis in acute form.
  6. Allergic reaction to the components of the drug.

In accordance with the instructions of the candle "Clotrimazole" during pregnancy is prohibited to use, as well as during lactation and an allergic reaction to clotrimazole and other components of suppositories.

If you exceed the dosage may develop the following symptoms of overdose:

  1. Vomiting.
  2. Diarrhea.
  3. Confusion of consciousness.
  4. Severe dizziness.

If these symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor.

This confirms the instructions for use for candles for women "clotrimazole."


The pharmaceutical market offers manyantifungal drugs for local use. The following medications are capable of eliminating vaginal infections caused by the fungus, along with Clotrimazole:

  1. "Nystatin."
  2. "Antifungal".
  3. Ovis.
  4. Candide.
  5. "Livarol."
  6. "Mikosporin".
  7. "Pimafucin".
  8. "Funginal".
  9. "Terzhinan".
  10. "Kanesten".
clotrimazole candle instruction reviews


According to various polls and statistics,every woman at least once in her life is faced with such an unpleasant disease as candidiasis. In some women, this phenomenon is chronic and appears several times a year, and sometimes even more often.

Regarding suppositories reviews“Clotrimazole”, there are quite a lot of them on the Internet and for the most part they are positive. Women are satisfied with both the effect of the drug and the convenient form of release. The drug is very suitable for those who do not like to take medication orally. For such women suppositories become a real salvation.

In addition, the drug is used only once.per day, which is also its undoubted advantage. The effectiveness of the drug is also not in doubt in women who use "Clotrimazole." They argue that a positive dynamic is achieved after only a few days of using candles, including itching and burning.

clotrimazole candle instruction

There are also negative reviews aboutClotrimazole. As a rule, they are left by women to whom the drug either did not help at all or caused side effects in the form of increased itching and burning. Also, some women experienced nausea during treatment with Clotrimazole.

Thus, Clotrimazole, althougheffective in the treatment of candidiasis, but in some cases does not give the expected result. It is best to choose the drug together with your doctor, because it is this measure that will allow you to avoid adverse reactions from the body and get a positive result from the treatment.

We reviewed the candles and “Clotrimazole” instructions and reviews.