We sometimes underestimate the functions of the blood.But after all, it performs very important functions: it carries oxygen through the cells of the body, and protects from harmful infections, and maintains the water balance. Thrombocytes are very important constituents of our blood. And all is well, when their number is normal, and if the platelets in the blood are raised, what should I do?
Thrombocytes are very important, especially in criticalsituation and with large blood loss. It is thanks to them that bleeding stops. Platelets are flat and colorless corpuscles that form in the red bone marrow and provide blood clotting. Also, platelets feed the endothelium of blood vessels, performing an angiotrophic function, heal damaged tissues and regenerate them.
Under normal conditions, a person can have from 145 to 410 thousand platelets per one microliter of blood. how elevated platelets in the blood, and lowered - are dangerous. When the level of platelets in the blood is lowered, this phenomenon is called thrombocytopenia. The main symptom of this phenomenon is frequent bleeding from the nose.
But if the platelets in the blood are raised, the consequences can be much more serious. With a high content of platelets, scientists observed:
- active growth of malignant and other formations;
- increased number of patients with oncological blood diseases;
- acute and actively developing infections are doubled;
- chronic inflammatory processes are manifested with greater force.
In addition to all this, platelets secrete adrenaline and serotonin - these substances that constrict blood vessels and reduce blood flow, which is also dangerous for humans!
What if platelets in the blood are elevated? It is urgent to lower it in order to avoid irreversible consequences.
Platelet Reduction Techniques
Method one.Start drinking aspirin or another blood thinner. Stop drinking alcohol! Alcohol forms blood clots that interfere with normal blood flow. It is simply contraindicated! Begin to drink natural juices or sour fruit drinks, as platelets are afraid of an acidic environment. Well suited for this cranberry juice.
Метод второй.Adjusting the power is just a necessity. So you not only bring the platelet count to normal, but also improve your overall health. It is highly recommended that your daily diet contains the following foods (if possible):
- the main thing is three liters of water per day and more (namely, water);
- walnuts - in addition to adjusting the level of platelets, so they also contain many useful substances;
- sea kale (I think it’s not worth talking about its usefulness);
- cucumbers, which will help to saturate the body with moisture, almonds and grape juice.
With daily use of these products, the level of platelets will begin to fall gradually, and after some time will return to normal.
Method three.Traditional medicine has always been in first place for the treatment of problems of this type. I really don't want to swallow aspirin, so grandma’s way can help. For this you need flowers of dandelion and thorns, which are mixed and frayed. Two tablespoons of frayed flowers are poured 400 ml of boiled water, infused over 5 hours, then the water is filtered. It is simple to use broth: 100 ml 2 times a day. The method will be more effective if for the period of the course (14 days every six months), you give up meat and eggs.
Занимаясь лечением самостоятельно, помните про traditional medicine. It is advisable to visit a doctor who will establish why platelets in the blood are elevated. If only aspirin is prescribed, then treat with folk remedies; if the doctor finds something serious, he will definitely inform you and prescribe a course of treatment (complex). Take good care of your health!