/ / Low platelets in the blood: causes and ways to increase

Low blood platelets in the blood: causes and ways to increase

Elements of blood, which are assumed to befragments of megakaryocytes (huge cells of the bone marrow), are platelets. Essential role in the formation of blood platelets is played by thrombopoietin, a hormone, mainly synthesized in the liver, but also present in the spleen and kidneys. Low platelets in the blood are a rather disturbing symptom. This phenomenon requires detailed study, because it can be evidence of serious pathologies.

low blood platelets
Low platelets in the blood: causes

В микролитре крови в норме содержится от 150 до 450 thousand of these cell fragments. If their number decreases, a condition called thrombocytopenia arises. In general, platelets live only ten days. Therefore, the bone marrow continuously synthesizes new elements. A low number of platelets in the blood can be detected either as a result of their insufficient formation, or because of their too rapid destruction, or one and the other together.

The formation of blood platelets in insufficientquantity can occur due to leukemia, viral diseases, chemotherapy, poisoning. And they are destroyed more quickly than they are formed, with such diseases and conditions as pregnancy, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, idiopathic and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, sepsis, hemolytic-uremic syndrome. Also, low platelets in the blood can be the result of taking Sulfanilamide, Quinine, Heparin, and anticonvulsant medications.

low platelet count
Precautionary measures

A decrease in blood platelets inevitably leads todecrease in its coagulability, that is, there is its dilution. In this case, a person even with weak strokes and small cuts, large bruises and hematomas are formed. That is why it is so important to be extremely careful and avoid any damage. Often, low platelets in the blood give rise to such a condition as hemorrhagic diathesis. It is characterized by access to the subcutaneous tissue of erythrocytes and plasma. In general, people with thrombocytopenia should avoid consuming any substances that may contribute to blood thinning. So, they are forbidden to use drugs containing ibuprofen, aspirin, penicillin antibiotics, sulfonamides. It is necessary to refuse smoking and the use of alcohol not to worsen the general state of health. Women should be especially cautious - low platelets in the blood can be the reason that instead of the usual menstruation severe uterine bleeding will begin, and this is fraught with serious consequences. It is not worth planning a pregnancy until the platelets are elevated to a normal level, because these elements of blood also decrease in healthy people during the period of childbirth.

low blood platelet causes
How to raise platelet count

Наиболее эффективным методом служит соблюдение a certain diet. You need to eat foods with calcium (cottage cheese, cheese), fatty acids (nuts, namely almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts), vitamin K (leafy vegetables, parsley, leaves of lingonberry and grapes). In addition, the intake of certain medications helps to eliminate thrombocytopenia. But the most effective, but very expensive method of treatment is the transfusion of a patient with platelet suspension.