/ / The correct algorithm for blood sampling from a vein

The correct algorithm for blood sampling from the vein

Today it is impossible to imaginemedicine without biochemical studies of serum or blood plasma, since the tests performed are more informative for doctors than the patient’s complaints and well-being. Almost immediately after applying for help in the clinic or admission to hospital, the doctor prescribes research of this kind. However, obtaining reliable data on the patient's health is based not only on modern equipment and high-quality reagents of medical laboratories. Of great importance is the correct collection of blood from a vein. The algorithm of manipulation and preparation of the patient for the collection of biological fluids are of paramount importance in the diagnosis and the further appointment of the correct treatment.

Preparation for the study

Do not immediately after talking with your doctorrun to the biochemical laboratory or manipulation room for blood donation. Most likely, in the manipulation room they will not take anything, since it is necessary to undergo a little training in order to draw blood from the peripheral vein. The algorithm for this preparation is as follows. On the eve of the manipulation should not be very densely supper.

vein blood sampling algorithm

Food should be light and dinner should be no later than 19.or 20 pm. Too dense, fatty, spicy foods can change blood biochemical parameters, which can lead to incorrect results. In addition, in the morning, before the study itself, you should not have breakfast, as the blood is given on an empty stomach.

Equipment required for vein blood sampling

Depending on whichequipment will take blood, the list of necessary materials may vary, as the technique of blood sampling from a vein is somewhat different. The algorithm of manipulations remains almost the same. When collecting with an ordinary syringe, you will need:

  • tow;
  • cotton wool or cotton swabs;
  • antiseptic agent (70% alcohol);
  • disposable sterile syringe;
  • sterile medical tray;
  • napkins;
  • medical clothing;
  • test tubes.

If the algorithm for blood sampling from a vein withusing a vacuum system, the need for test tubes and a disposable sterile syringe is eliminated. In addition, in the manipulation room must be present: a chair for the patient, a refrigerator, supports for the installation of test tubes.

blood sampling from a vein by a vacuum system algorithm

General rules for preparing for the blood collection procedure

Before carrying out venipuncture to the attentionmedical personnel should be informed about the vein blood sampling algorithm. Before performing the practical part, it is necessary to wash your hands, which is mandatory for adhering to the rules of hygiene. After that, you should wear a robe, as well as other protective medical clothing. After the medical staff is ready for the procedure, a patient is invited to the manipulation room. A referral for blood collection is recorded, and the patient’s identity is identified. After that, the upcoming procedure is explained, the patient is seated in a chair, the necessary equipment is prepared and transferred to the venipuncture procedure.

Preparing venipuncture site

After all the equipment is prepared,the nurse starts the blood collection procedure. For this, the ulnar vein is most often used (because of its superficial location and accessibility). You must select the intended location for the puncture, inspect it and palpate the vessel. After that, put a tourniquet above the site of the intended puncture. The tourniquet must be applied in such a way that it does not squeeze the arterial vessels, and the outflow of blood through the veins is stopped. Next, ask the patient to squeeze the brush into a fist several times to increase blood flow. If for any reason the patient does not manage to clench his hand into a fist, a warm heating pad may be applied to the intended venipuncture site. Heat will promote vasodilation and blood flow will increase.

peripheral vein blood sampling algorithm

After they carry out disinfection of the puncture site.To do this, using a sterile gauze or cotton swab in a circular motion directed from the center to the periphery, the surface of the skin is treated. Processing is performed twice and waiting for the antiseptic solution to dry completely. After treatment, palpation of the venous vessel is not performed.

Algorithm for blood sampling from a vein using a disposable syringe

Prepare for the procedurenecessary equipment and open the syringe. In this case, the package with the syringe is held in the left hand with the transparent side away from you. An autopsy is performed by a single-step rupture of the paper part on the syringe piston by the movement of the right hand from itself. Next, without completely removing the syringe from the packaging, put a needle for injection. To do this, take the product by the piston and side ears and insert it into the needle. After the injection needle is put on the syringe tip, the packaging can be completely removed.

The protective cover will be removed from the needle and executed.puncture of the vein. At the moment the needle penetrates the vessel, there is a feeling of falling into the void, and a small amount of blood appears in the syringe tip. The needle position is monitored by pulling the piston towards itself, while venous blood should flow into the syringe. Next, the algorithm for performing blood sampling from a vein is as follows. If blood enters, the position of the syringe and needle relative to the vessel is fixed, and slowly continue to pull the piston toward you until the required amount of blood is obtained. After that, remove the tourniquet and remove the syringe and needle from the vessel. The site of puncture is pressed with a sterile cotton or gauze pad moistened with an antiseptic solution.

algorithm for performing blood sampling from a vein

The patient is asked to bend the arm at the elbow.joint. The needle from the syringe is discharged into the container, and blood is poured along the wall into a test tube. After all the blood is in the tube, the syringe is thrown into a container with a disinfectant. Summarizing the above, it is necessary to say that if blood is taken from a vein, the algorithm of action and skills should be perfectly worked out in theory and in practice.

Algorithm for blood sampling from a vein using a vacuum system

To date, technical progress, includingincluding in medicine, does not stand still. Instead of an ordinary syringe, you can draw blood from a vein with a vacuum system. In this case, the algorithm is not much different from that when blood is drawn with a syringe. When blood is drawn using a vacuum system, a needle is prepared for puncture and inserted into the holder. Having clasped the patient's forearm with the left hand 3-5 cm below the intended point of insertion of the needle, they tighten the skin and produce venipuncture. In this case, the needle together with the holder is inserted at an approximate angle of 15 degrees.

vein blood sampling algorithm

In case of a vein in the indicator chamberneedles appear blood. After that install the tube into the holder and take blood from the vein with a vacuum system. The algorithm is as follows: they fix the position of the needle and the holder in the vessel, and press it to the bottom of the tube with their right hand to install it into the holder. If the test tube is intact, after installation, blood begins to flow into it.

After filling the tube is removed fromthe holder. When collecting blood in several tubes, you must follow the correct sequence of filling. At the end of the blood collection procedure, the needle with the holder is removed, a sterile cloth moistened with an antiseptic is applied to the puncture site, or a bactericidal adhesive is glued.

Blood collection tubes are labeled.as appropriate: they indicate the patient’s last name, first name, age and identification number. In the case of the use of an automated system for biochemical analysis, an identifying bar code is pasted on the test tube. Thus, the algorithm for blood sampling from a vein is a vacutainer.

blood sampling from a vein manipulation algorithm

It should be noted that, as in the case of the fenceblood with a syringe, as soon as the vein is punctured and blood begins to flow into the syringe or test tube, the tension of the tourniquet should be loosened. Prolonged clamping can lead to changes not only in the protein and electrolyte composition of the blood, but also in coagulation and gas composition. Conducting a vacuum for the first time to take blood from a vein, an algorithm of actions needs to be debugged on a training layout in order to avoid mistakes in the process of real execution.

Blood sampling in children

The algorithm of blood sampling from a vein in children is notdifferent from that of adults. The only thing that should be considered when carrying out such manipulations is that children are afraid of such procedures in every way. Therefore, if blood is taken continuously from children, care must be taken to ensure that there are distractions for the child (for example, bright and colorful toys or multimedia panels). When you switch the attention of the child is not so focus on current events.

Complications arising from blood sampling from a vein

Special attention during venipunctureIt is necessary to pay for possible complications after the procedure. To avoid them, you must carefully follow the rules of asepsis and antisepsis, as well as clearly follow the venepuncture algorithm. Only a strict adherence to the algorithm will help to avoid hematomas and the occurrence of infectious and inflammatory processes at the injection site.

algorithm for taking blood from a vein in children


The observed algorithm for blood sampling from a vein is the key not only to the absence of complications after the venipuncture procedure itself, but also to obtain reliable results of biochemical studies.