/ / What is the column for the fence?

Why do you need a bar for a fence?

The process of installing the fence does not cause specialdifficulties for professionals. However, one has to deal with certain subtleties, which are reflected not only in the quality of the future structure, but also in the preservation of the surrounding area. For example, improperly installed brick fence posts using too much cement can be very heavy for the foundation, which will lead to skew. If it is wrong to arrange the lower part of the fence, you can get a flood in the rain. That is why it is necessary to carry out these works in strict accordance with the technical process and take into account all its features.

fence post

Fence bar

The basis of any fence is a column.This is due to the fact that its design consists of separate sections or spans. They, in turn, are fixed in the foundation with the help of posts. Thus, this material is not only the fastening of the whole structure, but also the connecting element. In this case, even structures made of bricks require the presence of an element such as a bar for fence. It is made of the same material that is used in the masonry, and it is designed to give the strength of the entire structure.

fence posts


When assembling columns, they are usually practiced byConcreting together with the foundation. In this case, it is necessary to take care of the manufacture of drainage in advance. It is necessary to ensure that in rainy weather the water is not collected on the site, but flows out into the street. Also, when installing the fence, it is necessary to well connect the posts to the structure itself. In this case, metal supports are connected by welding and reinforcement, which must go along the entire length of the structure. If a brick is used for a fence, it is tied to the rest when laying.


brick fence posts

The fence posts can be conditionally divided into threecategories. The first is a wooden beam or log. This is the most impractical material, although convenient for installation. The second type is the fence post, made of stone or brick. It is suitable for almost any design, but has the drawback of costing materials and manufacturing complexity. However, only this type of bricks is ideal for a brick fence. The third type of material is a pipe or profile. In fact, any metal of a certain size and parameters can be used as fence posts. The price for such types of products can be even less than the cost of wood, since it is possible to use even old water pipes that are cleaned of rust and color. It is also advantageous to use a light profile. At its low weight, it is strong enough and has a relatively small price.


Before proceeding with the installation of the fence,Determine what material it will be made from, and in accordance with this, purchase the required number of columns. During installation, special attention should be given to concreting and connecting the support to the wall. A properly installed fence will last a very long time and will be able to withstand a significant load.