/ / Medicine "Lugol" for children and adults

Lugol for children and adults

The drug "Lugol" for children is produced in a verya convenient form - in the form of a spray. Many people remember this medicine from their childhood. When the throat hurted, they took a wand, wrapped a bandage on it, moistened it with a medicine and smeared it with that throat. Sensations are not the most pleasant. Using a spray makes it easier to treat. It is allowed to use the "Lugol" remedy for children up to a year.

The composition of the drug includes iodine (elemental),possessing a pronounced antimicrobial property. This component is characterized by the ability to act locally irritatingly on the tissue. In high concentrations, elementary iodine has a cauterizing effect. The mechanism of local action is related to the ability of the component to precipitate the proteins of the tissue.

Resorptive effect of iodides (also included incomposition of the drug "Lugol") and elemental iodine is the same. In this case, the greatest severity of the effect is noted in relation to the functions of the thyroid gland. Iodides (with iodine deficiency) contribute to the stabilization of the disrupted thyroid hormone binding process. With a normal concentration of iodine, iodides suppress the synthesis of thyroid hormones, reduce sensitivity in the thyroid gland, block the production of TSH in the pituitary gland.

Iodine preparations affect the exchangeprocesses by enhancing dissimilation (oxidation-reduction process of decay in the body). When atherosclerosis, they (iodine preparations) contribute to a certain degree of lowering in the blood concentrations of cholesterol and beta-lipoproteins, increase the activity of blood serum, slowing down the clotting speed.

Accumulation of iodine in syphilitic gums promotes softening and further resorption. Together with this localization (accumulation) of it in tuberculosis foci strengthens the inflammatory process in them.

When excretion of iodine from the excretory glands, irritation of the glandular tissue and intensification of secretion are noted. This causes an expectorant effect, as well as stimulation of lactation (in small dosages).

Lugol for children and adults locallyIt is used for fresh chemical and thermal burns of the first and second degree, infected burns, wounds, ulcers (varicose and trophic), purulent otitis, atrophic rhinitis, chronic tonsillitis. For washing with a solution of supratonsillar spaces and lacunae, four to five procedures are performed with interruptions in two or three days. Spray irrigation is carried out twice or thrice a week. Washing and instillation (in the ear with otitis) is carried out for two to four weeks. With burns in surgical practice, in the solution (as required) wet gauze napkins are applied, applied to the affected areas.

External preparation is indicated for myalgia, injuries, skin lesions of an infectious-inflammatory nature. In this case, the damaged areas of the skin are treated.

Inside the medicine "Lugol" is prescribed whentertiary syphilis, as well as for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis. Dosage in such cases is established individually according to age and indications.

The spray "Lugol" for children does not recommend the administration of hypersensitivity to iodine.

When using the drug externally possibleirritation (in rare cases). Prolonged use of the drug can provoke acne, lacrimation, salivation, Quincke's edema, hives, rhinitis.

For ingestion of the drug "Lyugol" for children under five years of age is contraindicated. The drug is also not prescribed during pregnancy, nephrosis and nephritis.

The drug "Lugol" is incompatible with solutions of ammonia, mercury (white sedimentary), essential oils.

Antiseptic activity of the drug is weakened in the presence of acidic or alkaline media, pus, blood, fat.

Before using the drug "Lugol" you need to carefully read the annotation, consult a doctor.