/ / "Claritin" for children - an effective drug for allergies

"Claritin" for children - an effective drug for allergies

Spring and summer are not only pleasant weatherconditions, but also a surge of allergic conditions. The problem of allergy has long ceased to be an unpleasant disease of a small number of people, it acquires a systemic character. Unfortunately, such a reaction of the body to external stimuli became more and more common in children. Requirements for children's drugs are particularly stringent in terms of safety for a growing organism. At the same time, the drug should be effective, with a minimum list of contraindications. These include "Claritin", for children - syrup, for adults - pills.

"Claritin" is a drug that brightenspronounced anti-allergic and soothing effect. The drug is released in the form of tablets (10 mg of active ingredient in each); syrup in dark glass bottles of 60 or 120 ml (concentration of active ingredient 1 mg per 1 ml of syrup), a measuring spoon is attached. It belongs to the class of antihistamines with selective inhibition of H1 receptors. The effect of taking the drug appears after 1 to 3 hours and continues throughout the day. Inside is safe "Claritin" for children, whose age is more than twelve years. The medicine is not addictive. Stability to the substance does not develop. Even with prolonged intake at the maximum dosages does not cause a significant increase in the QT interval on the ECG. A drug is produced in the form of unchanged substance and metabolites with bile and urine.

Choose for treatment follows "Claritin" syrupas a form of medicine for babies, since it does not cause unpleasant sensations at the time of taking, and the first signs of relief are visible after 20 minutes.

The drug is indicated for allergic rhinitis andallergic dermatitis. Also used in psoriasis, to eliminate unpleasant manifestations of an allergic reaction, which can lead to rashes.

Unlike similar antihistaminesdrugs that are allowed to take no more than 10 consecutive days, "Claritin" is recommended for long-term treatment. It exerts a multilateral influence on the body, promotes more effective treatment of bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis, acting in conjunction with the main treatment.

"Claritin" for children from 12 years, adults, includingthe number of elderly patients is dosed in 1 tablet (10 mg) once a day (or 2 teaspoons for syrup). "Claritin" for children weighing less than 30 kg, is prescribed in an amount of 5 ml of syrup (or 5 mg in the case of a tablet form). The drug for children with a body weight exceeding 30 kg, is prescribed in adult dosage. With renal failure, the drug is applied once every two days in an amount of 10 mg.

The frequency of side effects when taking the drug is notis different from that in the case of a placebo. In the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, mild dyspeptic phenomena are possible, rarely - hepatitis. There are rare cases of anaphylactic reactions, skin rash. From the side of the nervous system, there may be sedation, drowsiness (in adults), headache, nervousness. In adults, single cases of alopecia were noted. Side effects include nausea, dry mouth, gastritis, vomiting, and increased fatigue. The use of "Claritin" by children under 12 years of age can lead to hyperactivity and increased excitability.

The drug is contraindicated for children under the age oftwo years, during the period of breastfeeding, with intolerance of the body components of the drug. Pregnant is prescribed only in case of emergency. In severe overdose (taking 40-180 mg of active ingredient and more) tachycardia, drowsiness (in adults), headache, extrapyramidal disorders (in children) are possible.

Before use, consult a doctor.