Medication "Hilak Forte" (for children and adults)belongs to the category of funds that regulate the balance of intestinal microflora. Violation of its equilibrium may be due to antibiotic therapy, radiation, changing climatic conditions, operations on the stomach, errors in nutrition. Treatment with Hilak Forte helps regulate the balance of microflora, normalizing its composition. Due to the presence of bacteria in the metabolic products, not only is the balance stabilized, but also the preservation of the biological and physiological functions of the mucosa in the intestine. Lactic acid (biosynthetic) and its buffer salts help to restore the normal level of acidity in the digestive system, regardless of whether it is lowered or increased. The drug "Hilak Forte" (for children and adults) normalizes the natural synthesis of vitamins B and K.


"Hilak Forte": dosing regimen
Adult medication is prescribed three times a day.40 or 60 drops, for children - from 20 to 40, for infants - from 15 to 30. After relief of the manifestation of the pathology, the dose per day can be halved. Drink the drug inside when or after a meal. The product is diluted in a liquid (except milk).

Лекарство не назначается при индивидуальной hypersensitivity to the components. Application during pregnancy or lactation, according to experts, is considered safe, but the practicability of use is determined by the doctor individually.
Adverse Reactions
With treatment, it is sometimes possible to increase dyspeptic manifestations, urticaria, itching, heartburn, diarrhea. In general, patients tolerate the drug satisfactorily at any age.