Most diseases are unpleasant, but there are alsosuch, which, among other things, cause a lot of inconvenience. The latter includes conjunctivitis, in other words inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye. His symptoms are redness, tearfulness, and sometimes suppuration of the body. Therefore, it is so important to know what to treat conjunctivitis in order to get rid of this disease more quickly.
It should be noted that the factors that cause thisdisease, are, most often, viruses or bacteria. In this case, its carrier can infect others. Much less common is allergic conjunctivitis, which is much easier to cure.
In order to start treatment of viralconjunctivitis, in the first place, you should contact a specialist. He will prescribe tests, from which the cause of the disease will be identified, which should be eliminated. In most cases, you may need antibacterial or antiviral drugs, at the same time as immunomodulating agents.
In addition to therapy, it is necessary without failto strengthen control over personal hygiene, to wash hands more often and to try not to touch them to the eyes. The disease can spread to the second side. Doctors recommend patients to reduce the appearance in public places, which is necessary not only to not spread the infection itself, but also to not catch "foreign" bacteria.
With prolonged course or possible complicationsa mild form can pass into chronic conjunctivitis, the treatment of which is much more complicated and lasting. Removing the symptoms of the disease does not mean complete recovery, so the doctor's recommended recommendations for taking medicines should be fully observed.
In cases where it is impossible for some reasonin the near future to consult a specialist, the question arises, than to treat conjunctivitis in the home. To do this, you can use washing and compresses for the eyes. As components are taken such medicinal herbs as chamomile (has anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect), sage (relieves irritation and redness), calendula, nettle and many others. In the popular way, than treating conjunctivitis, in the people is considered the welding of black tea (without any impurities). The tea is poured with boiling water, it is infused for a certain time, after which the eyes are washed with tea leaves. This method is also used to treat children and animals.
You can prepare eye drops yourself using a well-diluted (1:10) boiled water with aloe juice. It disinfects the mucous membrane and removes the swelling of the eyelid.
Washing and compresses help, most often, onthe first stages of the disease, when only the first symptoms appeared. If these drugs do not help, you should definitely see a doctor who prescribes medications, and tells you what to do with conjunctivitis.
Among them may be Interferon in the form of drops foreye, tetracycline ointment or Albucid. Here it is worth remembering that not all these medicines can be used in children. With allergic conjunctivitis, antihistamines are prescribed, for example, Zirtek or Tavegil.
For the prevention of disease, it is recommended to takemultivitamin complexes and drugs that stimulate the body's immune system. In case this is a manifestation of allergy, minimize contact with the substance causing such a reaction.
Among the means for washing the affected eye(simultaneously with the use of drugs) boiled water can be used with salt dissolved in it (a teaspoon per glass). The main thing to remember is that it is impossible to delay with the beginning of treatment, so as not to earn the chronic form of the disease.