/ / What is Adenovirus Conjunctivitis?

What is Adenovirus Conjunctivitis?

In medicine, conjunctivitis is understood asinflammatory disease of the shell of the eye, which occurs due to an allergic reaction or due to infection. According to experts, so far the so-called adenoviral conjunctivitis has become particularly prevalent. This is what we will discuss in this article.

adenoviral conjunctivitis
Main reasons

Doctors currently allocate conditionallyseveral primary causes leading to the development of this disease, among which: weakened immunity, metabolic disorders, beriberi, various types of diseases of the eyelids. Once the virus enters the body in a disease such as adenoviral conjunctivitis, patients usually begin to complain of redness and swelling of the eyelid, as well as the appearance of mucous discharge from the eye itself. Moreover, as a rule, photophobia, involuntary lacrimation and even high body temperature are observed.


Today, medicine conditionally distinguishes three types ofdisease, as adenoviral conjunctivitis. It is pleated, follicular and catarrhal. The catarrhal form, according to experts, is the easiest, since it is practically asymptomatic and with proper treatment it is already literally in a few weeks. The follicular appearance is characterized by the appearance of small vesicles on the mucous membrane of the eye itself, while the film variant, as the name implies, is distinguished by the presence of a thin film on the mucosa. Follicular and catarrhal adenovirus conjunctivitis in adults is more common.

adenoviral conjunctivitis in adults

First of all, in addition to all the abovesymptoms, patients begin to complain of respiratory problems. In some cases, tenderness is observed in the parotid lymph nodes. According to available data, 20% of patients are affected by the cornea of ​​the eye, and so-called infiltrates can appear throughout the epithelium.

Adenoviral conjunctivitis. Treatment

Doctors, as a rule, after diagnosisprescribe the drug "Amantadine" in the form of permanent instillation of 0.1 solution in a conjunctive bag. This drug is especially effective in the early days of the disease. An excellent option is also ophthalmic ointments (Virulex, Zovirax, Oxolin Ointment, etc.). Well-proven and special drops (for example, "Okoferon", "Ophthalmoferon", etc.). Often, therapies use and antiallergic drugs such as "Diazolin", "

adenoviral conjunctivitis in children
Glycerophosphate ".


In this article, we are as detailed as possibleexamined the main symptoms, common causes and ways of treating a disease such as adenoviral conjunctivitis. In children, the treatment as a whole occurs mainly according to the same scheme (the use of drops and ointments, as well as antiallergic drugs) as in the adult population, but only the choice of specific drugs differs. The thing is that the use of a medication often depends not only on individual indicators, but also on the age of the patient. Be healthy!