/ / Complete tooth decay: possible causes and features of treatment

Complete tooth decay: possible causes and characteristics of treatment

Our teeth are exposed daily.destructive factors. Enamel - the armor of the teeth - under the influence of these factors may not always resist. Gradually, it becomes thinner. The tooth begins to collapse. How to stop tooth decay, read this article.

External and internal causes of the destruction of enamel

There are many factors that affect the destruction of our teeth. External factors include:

  • Non-compliance with temperature or hightemperature contrast. If you drink ice water immediately after drinking a hot dish, the enamel may not withstand. Cracks appear on its surface, through which bacteria can directly fall into the tooth and destroy it.
  • The mechanical factor, that is, blows, injuries, the habit of eating very rough food or gnawing hard objects.
  • The chemical factor acts quickly and ruthlessly. Some foods or oral care products contain alkalis and acids destructive to enamel.
    tooth decay
  • Hygienic factor means improper care of the oral cavity, improper selection of toothpaste or brush, complete lack of oral hygiene.

Internal causes of destruction include:

  • The lack of fluoride and calcium.
  • Improper diet, diet.
  • Crashes at the hormonal level.
  • Heredity.
  • Exposure to any medication.

Tooth decay: common causes

There are common causes of the destruction of enamel. They can affect women, men, and children:

  1. Abnormal occlusion very often leads to the destruction of enamel. To solve this issue in the dentist’s chair.
  2. Bruxism - the night gnashing of teeth also leads to thinning of the enamel, the appearance of chips and cracks on it.
    complete tooth decay
  3. Dental diseases - if a person has any untreated diseases of the teeth, then gradually this will lead to their destruction.

Knowing the reasons leading to the destruction of enamel, it is much easier to prevent trouble.

Symptoms that indicate damage to the enamel

Tooth decay does not occur immediately.This is a long process that can be slowed down or stopped. Attention should be paid to the slightest change in the oral cavity. What are the symptoms of this phenomenon?

  • Enamel becomes thinner, dentin is visible under it. This means that stains of yellow or brown color appear on the teeth. The more enamel becomes thinner, the darker the color of the crown.
  • The enamel gradually softens, which means it becomes rough to the touch.
  • The more enamel is affected, the brighter the teeth react to cold and hot.
  • The process of tooth decay is accompanied by the appearance of chips and cracks.
  • In the later period of destruction, pulp and nerve channels may be exposed, the shape of the tooth changes. Eating and sometimes just opening the mouth becomes very painful.
    tooth decay causes

Bacteria, penetrating the hole, soonwill cause and pulpitis. If at this moment not to engage in treatment, then there will be a complete destruction of the crown of the tooth. The treatment in this case is long and expensive, since the installation of pins is not an easy process. Pin teeth may consist of different materials, differently attached. To solve such issues can only an experienced dentist.

Tooth decay in children

Unfortunately, enamels tend not to collapseonly in adults, but also in children. As soon as a child reaches the age of two, there may be obvious symptoms of the disease. Very often, the destruction occurs in children who are bottle-fed.

tooth decay process
Смесь часто содержит слишком много углеводов, which in the mouth of the child is converted into organic acids. They can lead to enamel demineralization, because children's teeth are still so weak. It is very difficult to find out that demineralization occurs in the oral cavity, because the process is hidden from view.

Если у матери во время беременности нарушался the metabolism will suffer from this and the baby. Improper nutrition during gestation, severe toxemia in the first trimester, some postponed diseases can lead to problems such as underdevelopment of the enamel or abnormal development of the crown shape.

Обязательно следует соблюдать личную гигиену в home with a small child. Often the parents, without even noticing it, spoil the teeth of the baby by transferring their disease-causing bacteria to him. You cannot use common cutlery, lick a pacifier, and too often kiss the child on the lips. All this can cause tooth decay.

Pediatric saliva has a low degreealkali content. This means that saliva cannot perform its mineralizing function. It is for this reason that the teeth of many children begin to break down very early.

Why is enamel destroyed in women?

Scientists have found that female enamel is destroyed more often than male. This is facilitated not only by common factors, but also by purely female reasons. Among them:

  • Период беременности – в это непростое время плод takes everything you need from the mother's body. And if there is not enough microelement or mineral for construction, the fetus will “wash” it from the maternal organism. Teeth are the first to suffer. If before the pregnancy, the woman had dental diseases, then during this period they worsen.
  • Sharp weight loss - it is women who more often and harder to sit on diets, avoiding proper nutrition. Sharp weight loss can lead to the destruction of enamel.
    tooth decay in children
  • Hormonal disruptions - during menopause (or with increased thyroid function), the salivary glands and the entire immune system may be disrupted. This leads to the sensitivity and fragility of enamel.

Why do teeth break down in men?

Of course, men's teeth deteriorate due to common reasons. But there are also special factors specific to male individuals.

It is in men that mechanical tooth decay often occurs. This is due to the peculiarities of the professions, dangerous sports, and sometimes simple aggressiveness.

complete destruction of the tooth crown
Moreover, men less women protect their teeth, having a habit of opening corks and nibbling nuts. Men smoke and drink more. This leads to demineralization of enamel.

Prevention of complete tooth decay

Enamel destruction in the oral cavity -unpleasant phenomenon. From this spoils the aesthetic look of a smile. In addition, bacteria that can cause additional diseases get into cracks and chips. How to prevent the complete destruction of the tooth?

Обязательно нужно чистить зубы.This should be done regularly, and not occasionally. No one has canceled a visit to the dentist every six months! Bridle your habits - do not nibble on hard objects, do not bite the yarn, do not open the lids with your teeth, limit the seeds and nuts in the diet.

destruction of the tooth crown
If you see the slightest changes in the oral cavity, immediately make an appointment with the dentist.

Для укрепления эмали полезен прием витаминов и increasing the dose of intake of foods containing calcium. Eat more fish, herbs and dairy products. You can also visit the dentist and strengthen the teeth in his chair by fluoridation.

How to treat?

The destruction of the crown of the tooth is an irreversible process. Therefore, it is always better to care for your teeth properly, avoiding illness. But if the destruction is still there, urgently treat it! How to restore a tooth?

  1. If you have chipped off a small piece of the cutting edge, or if the teeth become torn, use photopolymer composites to build up.
  2. If the destruction of the crown is significant, apply the pins or root root tabs.
  3. With veneers, you can hide defects in the smile area.
  4. If the tooth is destroyed strongly (by more than 70%), then the treatment consists only in the installation of the crown.
  5. If the destruction of the wisdom tooth, thenThe specialist will most likely appoint his removal. This tooth does not take part in chewing food, is a potential breeding ground for bacteria, therefore, it does not make sense to save and treat it.

Despite the seeming strength of enamel, there isa huge number of factors that can lead to its destruction. Remember that it is always easier to monitor the condition of the teeth and to properly care for them than to heal!