/ / Arthritis of the foot joints: causes, signs and treatment

Arthritis of the joints of the foot: causes, signs and treatment

Arthritis of the joints of the foot - it's prettyA common disease characterized by the inflammatory process of the joints. This disease causes a lot of discomfort and suffering to the patient and is accompanied by rapid fatigue of the legs.

Causes of arthritis of the foot joints

Arthritis of the foot joints

The causes of this disease are quite diverse and depend on the characteristics of the human body. These include:

  • process of aging of joints;
  • presence of infectious diseases;
  • genetic factor;
  • supercooling;
  • violation of the protective function of immunity;
  • processes associated with a metabolic disorder in the joints;
  • infection in the joint cavity;
  • diseases of an autoimmune nature;
  • trauma to the foot;
  • diseases of the joints (gout, psoriasis, etc.).

Types of disease

In any situation, regardless of the causearthritis of joints, it is necessary to see a doctor, since the consequences of this disease can be very severe. There are several types of foot arthritis:

  • rheumatoid - a chronic disease, in which the connective tissue of the middle and small joints is affected;
  • gouty - a disease provoked by the process of metabolic disorders in the joints and the deposition of uric acid in them;
  • reactive joint arthritis - a disease accompanied by an inflammatory process that was caused by an infectious disease of the genitourinary or gastrointestinal system;
  • psoriatic - a dangerous disease characterized by the appearance on the skin of red peeling spots and leading to the defeat of a group of joints.

Symptoms of the disease

reactive joint arthritis

Signs of arthritis of the foot are very similar to those of similar joint diseases. These include:

  • violation of mobility of the joint - its complete or partial absence;
  • The presence of painful sensations, which, when making movements, intensify;
  • swelling of the joint;
  • pain with pressure;
  • redness of the skin around the joint;
  • a slight rise in temperature, and so on.

Treatment of the disease

Arthritis of the foot joints is treated with basic and auxiliary methods. The basic facilities include:

  • anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs;
  • if the cause of the disease is of an infectious nature, then antibiotics are prescribed;
  • Chondroprotectors - contribute to the restoration of cartilage and prevent its further destruction.

The auxiliary means of treatment of arthritis of the joints of the foot include:

  • causes arthritis of joints
  • Therapeutic physical training and gymnastics, which contribute to the influx
    blood to the aching joint;
  • A special diet containing a considerable amount of vitamin E;
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures (heating, ultrasound, magnetotherapy, etc.);
  • wearing orthopedic shoes and applying special inserts and insoles;
  • arthritis of the foot joints can be treated with the help of traditional methods, but only after consulting with your doctor and his approval of this method of treatment;
  • In the most severe and advanced cases, arthritis of the foot joints is treated by surgery.