/ / Than to treat hemorrhoids? Is it compulsory to see a doctor?

Than to treat a hemorrhoids? Is it compulsory to see a doctor?

Hemorrhoids externally manifested in a strong vein dilatation in the anus. Knots can form, veins are stretched out and in breadth, and in length. The disease can progress.

Conventional ideas about this disease, likesomething shameful, completely untrue. The reason may be a sedentary lifestyle, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, debilitating physical stress. Symptoms are pain, burning, itching, foreign body sensation and, possibly, small bleeding during defecation. We will try to understand what to treat hemorrhoids.

Than to treat a hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids do not occur immediately, not instantaneously.It develops gradually. In order to cure it, it is important to make a diagnosis in a timely manner. For diagnosis, you need to see a specialist doctor. It is done with finger examination, using anoscopy (using a special device for examining the rectum inward by 12-14 centimeters) or with the help of sigmoidoscopy (the most reliable and accurate method for the final diagnosis, is performed with a sigmoidoscope and penetrates into the rectum by 20 -35 centimeters). There are other diagnostic methods, such as irrigoscopy, colonoscopy and others.

Not so long ago, ten or fifteen years ago,The main method of treatment was the operation. Nowadays there is also a wide range of non-surgical methods. They are painless, have a lower risk of complications, they can achieve recovery. However, it is important to remember that applying such methods is best at the early stages, than treating hemorrhoids when the disease becomes neglected. Let us dwell in more detail on such methods.

Than to treat hemorrhoids at home?
One of several such methods issclerotherapy. It is used at the earliest stages of the disease. In the veins, a special substance is injected, under the effect of which the venous nodes gradually decrease. The entire course of treatment is conducted in no more than two sessions.

With infrared photocoagulation, the therapeutic effectis achieved due to the coagulation (blood clotting) of veins with a special device that feeds the hemorrhoids, as a result of which the flow of blood decreases, and the nodes decrease, they gradually come to normal.

When using proximal ligation, firsta precise determination of the location of the hemorrhoidal veins is performed, then their ligation (ligation) is performed, as a result of which the venous nodes fall off. The operation is done under local anesthesia and lasts no longer than half an hour.

There is such a method as ligationlatex rings. A special apparatus is brought from the inside to the hemorrhoidal node, which is drawn by evacuation into the apparatus and compressed by a latex ring. After a certain time (about seven to ten days), it dies and is rejected by the body. The operation is repeated to delete all such nodes. Usually there are no more than three.

Also mention here operative treatment -the main method of treatment in the late stages of the disease. In this case, all internal and external nodes are surgically removed. Complete healing of wounds occurs for a period of no more than twenty days.

It is important to note that there are alsoconservative methods of treatment. It is possible to use special medicinal candles, phytotherapy, special massage. Apply these techniques in the initial stages of the disease is better than cure hemorrhoids surgically.

Let's see how to treat hemorrhoids at home. There are several folk recipes.

During an attack of acute pain, you can apply a bath with warm water. This simple remedy can reduce pain during an exacerbation of the disease.

You can lubricate sore spots with petroleum jelly, applied to cotton wool.

Treat Hemorrhoids at Home
Take a teaspoon of plantain seeds witha glass of water every morning for one week. In the second week, take this compound in the morning and for dinner. In the third week, add more and for dinner. And make it a permanent habit in the future. As we see, it is possible to treat hemorrhoids at home in the early stages of the disease.

Some people believe that hemorrhoids are not dangerous,has no consequences. But this is not so. As a result of the disease, an anal fissure can form over time, the ability to retain stool and gases can be weakened, a rectal fistula can form. So do not turn a blind eye to the problem. It is important to diagnose the disease in time and try to do everything you need to recover. It is also important to avoid the prerequisites of the disease, because, than to treat hemorrhoids, it is better not to give chances to him to arise.