/ / Do you have hemorrhoids? The treatment may be different

Do you have hemorrhoids? Treatment can be different

How many problems and inconveniences delivers hemorrhoids. Its treatment is a rather long process. And therein lies the rub. How does the disease begin to manifest itself? How to recognize it in yourself?

hemorrhoids treatment
First of all, you will feel a slight itch in the areathe anus. And, unfortunately, very few people take such symptoms seriously. Soon the itch will intensify. It should be borne in mind that the nodes that occur during hemorrhoids, can be either internal (invisible to the patient) or external, that is, those that protrude into the anus. But in some cases, both are observed.

treatment of hemorrhoids with herbs
In the first stage, the nodes are easily felt, but withIn this they do not cause pain. On the second they may fall in the process of defecation, but without the help of hands, they set back. But in the third stage, the nodes will fall at the slightest physical stress. And they will have to reset the hands. The fourth stage brings a lot of suffering to the patient. Nodes will fall out all the time, right them yourself will not work. The patient experiences severe pain, and this is certainly a reason to go to a doctor.

The specialist will perform a finger scan.perhaps, will appoint anascopy. It is very important to consult a doctor as it is quite possible to confuse hemorrhoids with other dangerous diseases. For example, blood in the stool may indicate the occurrence of a malignant tumor in the intestine.

How to deal with a problem depends on whichwhat stage is hemorrhoids. Treatment of the first and second is carried out, as a rule, conservatively. An appropriate diet is needed to regulate the act of defecation and stool consistency. Drugs with dietary fiber are prescribed. You need to eat carrots, beets, sea kale, wheat bran, drink a lot of vegetable and fruit juices. In the light stages helps gymnastics, painkillers candles, baths and so on. If you have hemorrhoids, treatment involves taking phlebotropic drugs. Often prescribed candles "Relief", "Nigepad" and others. In the later stages only surgery helps.

hemorrhoids treatment time
There are also lovers of folk remedies among thosewho torments hemorrhoids. Treatment must still take place under the guidance of a specialist. And folk remedies well act as auxiliary. They relieve symptoms, but are not able to remove the cause.

So, if you decide to try recipes folkmedicine, you should still discuss this with your doctor. When hemorrhoids help candles made from raw potatoes. After the introduction, they go along with the feces during defecation. After a few days of using such a remedy, it is possible to remove the aggravation. Treatment of hemorrhoids with herbs can also be effective. Here is the recipe: it is necessary to mix oak bark, water pepper grass and flaxen flowers in a ratio of 1: 1: 1, then dilute it in half with hot pork lard, stir it over low heat. After 12 hours, the mixture is filtered, applied to a gauze swab, which is then introduced into the anus for 4 hours.

If you have hemorrhoids, the time of treatment directly depends on how quickly you recognize its symptoms and begin to act. However, without consulting a doctor is not enough.