Forums on the Internet are full of notes of womenwhich appeared hemorrhoids after childbirth. Treatment must begin immediately, without starting the disease, and with a small child to get to the doctor is very difficult. This is the "almighty" Internet and should give answers to your questions.
In the early stages, symptoms of the disease manifest themselves.through the sensations of itching and as if the presence of a foreign body in the anus, the appearance of traces of blood during defecation. Even these minor symptoms should alert the young woman, for they indicate that hemorrhoids appeared after childbirth. Treatment in such situations is applied conservatively. Special attention is paid to hygiene, especially after the toilet. It is necessary to revise your diet in order to avoid constipation. Topically, you can use special ointments, suppositories, such as "Hepatrombin", "Natalcid" and others. If you are breastfeeding, be sure to consult your doctor about the possibility of using drugs. Special gymnastics is also shown. By following these simple guidelines, you can cope with the disease in its early stages, since its causes will be eliminated.
If the existing hemorrhoids worsen afterchildbirth, treatment is required more serious. Doctors recommend bed rest, a lax diet, the use of local remedies to relieve pain and itching, as well as antibiotics. This is due to the fact that inflamed hemorrhoids can fester, which will lead to fever, swelling, and the spread of infection in the body.
Воспаление узлов, их выпадение и кровотечение characterized by acute hemorrhoids. The operation remains the only solution in the current situation. You should not be afraid of it, since after surgery the majority of patients are completely cured. But this does not mean that there is no need after the operation to maintain a correct lifestyle in order to prevent the disease. Special gymnastics and diet should be an integral part of life.
В заключение хочется отметить, что геморрой - such a problem that is easier to prevent than to cure. This also applies to pregnant women. Preventive gymnastics and diet will help young mothers avoid many of the unpleasant consequences of the disease.