Surely many have thought about whetherchange eye color. After all, this is one of the most unique features that every person has and is given to him by nature. In fact, in the world it is almost impossible to find two people whose eye color would match perfectly. However, it also happens that a person is not satisfied with what nature has endowed him with and wants to change the existing shade to a more original one in order to look more creative and, possibly, more attractive. However, the question immediately arises - how to change the color of the eyes? It is on him that we will try to give an answer in this article.
How to change eye color at home for 1 day without lenses?
Один из самых быстрых и безопасных способов Eye color changes at home are makeup. It's no secret that he creates miracles with the girl’s face - with his help, you can stretch your face, make your eyelashes look bigger, and make your eyes bigger. Of course, dramatically changing the color of the eyes using this method will not work. But still, with the right makeup, experts guarantee an increase in the contrast and brightness of your eye color, which will undoubtedly beautify any woman.
For this we need only ordinaryeyeshadow. The main thing here is to choose the right color of makeup for the eyelids so that it looks harmonious. We will tell how to change the color of eyes without lenses and whether it is possible at all.
How to make blue eyes brighter
The first way to increase expressivenessblue eyes will be the use of shades of warm tones. The best color for this purpose is orange and its compound shades. If you apply a similar range to your eyes, it will look bright and expressive, which is what we want. If, however, to apply for the eyelids the shadows of faded colors, for example, blue or lilac, then the eyes will also appear faded, pale, inconspicuous.
Here are some more tips for blue eye makeup:
- It is better not to do casual make-up so casual, choose simpler, more calm and neutral tones - brown, orange, coral.
- When applying evening makeup is desirableuse special shiny shadows that include metallic pigments. It is necessary to choose those shades that correspond to the above.
Although shadows are taken for blue eyesdarker shades, still do not overdo it with this. It is better to use something between light and dark - what is in the middle. Moreover, you should not apply very dark shadows if you are the owner of pale skin. Instead of the black liner, it is better to use dark brown and brown colors to avoid strong sharpness.
How to make green eyes more expressive
Brown and deep red - presentsalvation with this problem. It is necessary to use this particular range so that the shadows contrast with the green color of the eyes. Because of this, they seem more saturated and lively. As in the situation with blue eyes, let us indicate a few nuances that it is desirable to take into account before proceeding with the makeup:
- Look at some shades of burgundy. It will look contrast to your eyes, due to which the effect of expressiveness of eye color will be created.
- If burgundy still seems to you too bright and challenging, try to put on brownish-gray shades.
- Grayish eyeliner shades look very good on green eyes. It is better not to use the black eyeliner in this case, because it comes out too abruptly.
How to highlight the spectacular gray eyes
If you have gray eyes, we recommenduse shades of blue and green to convey the greenish or bluish tone of the iris of your eyes. In addition, shades of gray will look good on them. It will emphasize your natural shade of eyes, giving it even greater expressiveness. Small recommendations for applying shadows:
- To give even more saturation to the eyes, you can add a little dark blue shadows in the inner corner of the eye.
- Pink, claret colors will help to emphasize the greenish tone of the eyes. Also cosmetics of plum and wine color copes well with this.
To highlight the bluish tone of the eyes, it is recommended to use brown, orange, copper-melon shades. The color of salmon also copes with this job.
Colored contact lenses
But many also care about how to change eye color inat home, while not using makeup. The answer to this question is also very easy and simple. The fact is that in addition to applying makeup there is another way. However, this time we will be able to radically change the shade of the iris, turning it, say, from hazel to green, and from gray to blue. Changing the color of the eyes with lenses is the very option. Consider the pros and cons of this method.
Colored lenses can be used not onlyto add zest to your original image, but also in order to improve your vision. Especially these lenses are relevant for those who have myopia.
But there are special lenses that do not improvedamaged vision, but simply give the iris a different shade. This easily solves the problem of how to change the color of the eyes at home. With the help of such lenses, you can easily change the image and give originality to your image, especially if the lenses are unusual and extravagant.
But before you change the color of the eyes with lenses,should learn about the disadvantages of this method. So, they should be thick enough to cover the natural shade of the iris. And the problem is that through them the eye receives little oxygen and sunlight, which adversely affects the vision. It can also affect the fact that if the lenses are shifted to the side, the focus changes, and this does not pass without a trace. So, is it possible to change the color of the eyes with the help of lenses, only you decide. And, despite the fact that there are many risks, people go for it to complement their image.
The main disadvantages of such lenses:
- If you wear them for more than 12 hours, you may experience pain in the eyes and deteriorate vision.
- You will have to constantly use eye drops, because the lenses allow only a small part of the oxygen to pass through.
- Eyes are very strained from the fact that colored decorative lenses do not let in light, which means that they get tired faster.
But, nevertheless, many are decided to purchase.By the way, there is one type of color lenses that does not have all these disadvantages - tinted contact lenses. But the catch is that they are almost not perceived by brown eyes, which upsets the owners of this color.
The result
We told you how to change eye color inhome conditions. Oddly enough, this is not so difficult, although not very easy. Some contact lenses can cause an allergic reaction, so you should always check the information and look for good sites and places to buy them. The main thing, choosing how to change the color of the eyes, to remember about security, so as not to harm the eyesight.