The question of how to make mastic at home, thanks to the adventurous amateur pastry chefs, has many answers. You can choose your favorite way.
Step by step recipe. How to make mastic from marshmallow?
Such a plastic mass is well suited forcake decorations, as well as other confectionery products. These soft, airy candies, also called chewing marshmallow, are sold at any store by weight or in packaging. They will help us find the answer to the question: "How to make mastic at home?" It is advisable to find two-color. So the color will be more uniform. For the sample, take seven medium chocolates (this amount is approximately equal to the contents of the small bag). They need to put in a container, pour a tablespoon of lemon juice and 20 to heat in the microwave. Exposure to heat and acid transforms marshmallows into a plastic viscous mass. Now it will be easy to turn into mastic. Be sure to need powdered sugar - sugar will not work. It should be poured into a bowl of marshmallows on the eye, interfering with a flat shovel. It will be much more difficult to do with your hands, because the mass is very sticky. Knead until the shoulder blade is tied. After that, put the mass on the table, pouring powdered sugar on it, and mix it with your hands (like dough interfere on a layer of flour). Sticky mastic will not lose, but will become more elastic. You will feel that you can already sculpt from it.
When this happens, instead of powdered sugarsprinkle starch on the table, roll out the mastic with a rolling pin as thin as possible. Pre-baked cake, which you are going to decorate, remove from the refrigerator and brush with fruit syrup on top. Its surface should become sticky, but not too wet (otherwise the mastic will soften). It should be covered with a rolled mass cake, smooth edges and arrange. Now you know how to make mastic at home. This is a basic recipe and train better on it. If you already easily have a similar basic method, go to how to make mastic from marshmallow (chewing) with the addition of additional ingredients. This will allow not only to diversify the colors, but also to find the desired texture that will suit you.
How to make mastic at home with the addition of butter and chocolate
Take a marshmallow bag,sweet cream butter (1 tbsp. l.) and icing sugar. The exact amount of the last ingredient, as you can see from the above recipe, is difficult to specify. It is better to take at least 400 g, then you will not need to run for the supplement. You can also use high-quality food dyes. Heat marshmallows in the microwave with oil - this will take 10-15 seconds. When the mass is sweating and increasing in volume (this will occur due to the presence of gelling components in the marshmallow marshmallow), it should be mixed with powdered sugar, adding the last 50g portions. , you can proceed to the formation of figures or coating for the cake.