/ / If a child pierced his leg with a nail, what should I do? Rules of care and danger of infection

If a child pierced his leg with a nail, what should he do? Rules of care and danger of infection

pierced my leg with a nail what to do

Oh, these little boys!How much worry do the growing sons give! After all, you can not always be able to patronize and control the growing tomboy. Already from about junior school age, children are more left to themselves. And then there are "surprises" on their part: then your boy will come home after lessons with a "painted" face after finding out the relationship with a classmate, then accidentally fall off the bicycle, severely injuring his knee. There can be many unforeseen situations, because your baby does not always grow up diligent "botanist". And sometimes it happens that he accidentally pierced his leg with a nail. What to do in this situation? A list of rapid care measures and the dangerous consequences of infection are listed in this article. The most important thing is not to get lost, act quickly and thoughtfully.

How dangerous is that the child has strongly pierced the leg with a rusty nail?

What is the peculiarity of this trauma?First of all, in the deep introduction of a possible infection. A sharp nail can penetrate a very considerable distance into soft tissues. There are even cases that you have to remove old and warped iron objects in the emergency room, since it is problematic to do it yourself. Together with the rust in the wound are also particles of soil, and with her and tetanus spores. And for a person who does not have an inoculation against this disease, in one case out of four it is fatal. Or perhaps the introduction of "Pseudomonas aeruginosa", which can lead to gangrene. Therefore, one treatment of a wound with a disinfecting solution and the application of a bandage is indispensable here. In cases where someone pierced the leg with a nail, treatment includes mandatory vaccination against tetanus.

pierced his leg with a rusty nail

Danger of this disease

Many believe that excessive bleeding may occur.to wash off the infection that has fallen into the wound. But this is far from the case. If the cut is sufficiently deep and is not at all superficial, soft tissues are affected. As a result, toxins of the infection, getting through the wound into the blood, are able to cause the following:

  • convulsive syndrome;
  • spasm of the respiratory tract;
  • violation of the osteoarticular apparatus;
  • change in the structure of muscle tissue.

In case of tetanus disease treatmentis carried out in the hospital and lasts no less than three months, after which the victim is monitored for another two years. But even in the case of successful treatment, residual effects may appear: muscle weakness, deformation of the bones of the spine, impaired mobility of the joints. All this - payback for the lack of vaccination and wrong actions after getting injured.

pierced my leg with a nail treatment

If a child pierced his leg with a nail, what should he do to provide first aid?

Rinse the wound with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, andPlace around it, treat with iodine or zelenka. Apply a sterile bandage to the damaged area. Then, without fail, you need to see a doctor. If a child pierced his leg with a nail, what will the specialists do, what measures will he have in the medical institution? First check the timing of obtaining tetanus antiserum. Vaccination should be carried out every ten years, regardless of age. Then, depending on the severity of the damage, the doctor will be prescribed treatment. Usually there are enough foot trays with a strong saline solution. But it happens that the child very strongly pierced the leg with a nail. What to do, so that the wound does not become inflamed and quickly heal? A complex treatment with mandatory intake of antibiotics and treatment of the wound with special ointments is performed.

Do not self-medicate! Consult a doctor to avoid unpleasant and dangerous consequences!