/ / Chinese iphone: customer reviews

IPhone China: customer reviews

iPhone reviews
Now everyone knows what "iPhone" is.Literally struck a few years ago, the mobile device market smartphone and after a few years did not become cheaper. Of course, many would like to have such a phone in use, but most simply can not afford it.


Needless to say, the Chinese People'sThe Republic is able to do and repeat anything and from anything. Naturally, after the appearance of iPhone from Apple, Chinese analogs also appeared. Moreover, they were offered both in the standard size of an Apple smartphone, and in a smaller one. This kind of "ladies' option."

Chinese Original iPhone
China's iPhone (customer reviews confirm this) in common with the company's only looks and operating system. If you ever held the original, you will immediately feel the difference.

But if you did not see the original from Apple,then compare the original and fake will be difficult. It is worth mentioning that the Chinese craftsmen even managed to solder the corporate logo of the company on the back cover. True, this pseudo-type is just a pasted piece of paper, it is visible to the naked eyes, and this indicates that the Chinese phone is the "original". Apple's iPhone can not be found with such a sticker!


how to distinguish a Chinese iphone
IPhone (reviews of customers about thisthe device is quite objective) can attract only its low price and, probably, the presence of two SIM cards. In the rest you can say that this is a one-time iPhone. The weakest place of the Chinese analogue is the touchscreen. Here you can not view the photos by touching the images with a slight finger movement. In a smartphone like China (reviews of people who used it, only confirm this fact), in order to flip through information, it takes effort.

It will be easy for ladies with long nails,the opposite sex will have to use the stylus. The camera is also not happy with high-definition images. When connected to a computer or a laptop, such a phone is recognized to them as an ordinary flash card. Therefore, it is difficult to update it.

If the display is damaged, do not rely on the replacement of the touchscreen. In the Chinese version, everything is tightly soldered to the case.


So how to distinguish a Chinese iPhone from the original Apple?

First of all, a modification. This original does not have:

  • two SIM cards;
  • built-in stylus;
  • antennas for watching TV channels;
  • an additional slot for the memory card.

In addition, this Apple iPhone is workingquickly, "does not slow down" in applications. Video and still images are clear, with high quality. And most importantly - the original can not have any other operating system, except as iOS.

If you are offered an iPhone with an android operating system, then you are offered a fake. Android and iPhone Apple is nonsense.

China's iPhone (consumer reviews themselves sayfor yourself) can please only a small price. But how long he will serve, it is unknown. Yes, and for this price you can buy a good quality smartphone budget version, for example FLY.

And if you want to buy a Chinese iPhone only because of the appearance, do not throw away the money in vain. Users of this iPhone will immediately see a fake.