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How to get a seedling forever

In order to answer the question of howto withdraw the log, you need to first figure out what it is. The name "shipitsa" is unofficial. So the sore dubbed the people for the similarity of the pain they caused to the sensation, as if they were stepping on a sharp spike. It is for this reason that the spike is easy to distinguish from similar skin formations. It can appear on the palms, on the fingers, on the knees, elbows, but in the vast majority of cases appears on the soles of the feet in the region of the foot and heel. In its essence, the spike is an ordinary wart, that is, it refers to viral diseases.

It is important not only to know how to remove the spike, but alsowhere it comes from, so as not to pick it up again. Causes the ailment of a special virus papillomas, transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person by contact through shoes, socks, other objects. It is very easy to get infected with a spike in swimming pools, in a sauna, while trying on shoes barefoot. The virus, hitting the skin of a healthy person, does not bring harm immediately. It penetrates into the skin and begins to multiply only if the skin is damaged, and if a person's immunity is weakened. Also for the reproduction of papillomas are very favorable sweat discharge.

You can take out the spike.But it is better to follow the rules of personal hygiene, so that it does not exist at all. These rules are simple and generally available. All you need is to wash your feet every day and do not use someone else's socks, shoes, or a towel. Also, it is not superfluous to use special disinfectant cream for legs and means that prevent sweating. Another important rule - you can not wear tight, rubbing shoes, because the papillomas viruses are well introduced into the skin of the feet where there are rubbing on the feet, any wounds.

A wide gate for the thorn is mycosis,fungal formations that have already implanted into the skin and formed their colonies there. Without treatment or with improper treatment, for example, cutting out or rubbing dangerous chemical compounds into a sore spot, the spike can degenerate into cancer. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right method, how to remove the spike.

Official medicine treats several methods.

1.Liquid nitrogen, the temperature of which is known to be about -200 degrees Celsius. At the same time, a special applicator is attached to the spine for a short time. As the virus freezes and kills, the wart begins to turn pale. The disadvantage of this method is that the doctor can not control which layers of the skin nitrogen affects, and often kill healthy tissues.

2. Concentrated acids. Used acetic, salicylic or benzoic drugs, which need to be applied to the affected area.

3. High-frequency currents. This method also affects neighboring tissues that are not affected by the disease.

4. The laser. Specialists consider this method to be the best and most reliable, as the procedure passes quickly, without pain and without traumatizing neighboring skin areas.

5. Remove the spike with a scalpel.This method was actively used before, but now they try not to use it, since it is ineffective, leaves long healing scars and does not provide 100% of getting rid of the disease.

Traditional medicine has in its weight a lotcouncils, how to get a log. All of them are based on the use of herbal preparations. It is important to remember, removing the wart yourself, you need to isolate from the effect of the drug healthy skin. For this, a patch is glued around the area around the spinule, cutting out a hole in it, exactly corresponding to the size of the wart. Then on the sore spot impose the preparation itself, or the cloth soaked in its solution and tightly tied. The following preparations can be used for treatment:

1. Fresh celandine juice. Lubricate them with a wart many times a day.

2. Potato flowers and raw potatoes.From flowers make alcohol tincture, sustaining flowers in alcohol for 25 days. In this case, it should not be exposed to direct sunlight. Apply a cloth moistened with tincture to the spoon.

From raw potatoes are prepared gruel, which is applied to a sore spot. This method is good because potatoes will relieve inflammation and pain.

3. Nettles. From it, too, prepare the gruel, which is applied to the wart at night.

4. Horseradish and onions. Of these roots are also prepared gruel. To add onions it is desirable to add vinegar.

5. Tea tree oil. This method is also good for fungal diseases.

Some recommend removing the spike, taking antiviral and immunity-strengthening drugs, in particular, the drug "Cycloferon."