/ / Articulation gymnastics - training of speech, muscles and thinking

Articulatory gymnastics - training of speech, muscles and thinking

What is articulation gymnastics?How does it differ from speech therapy exercises? You can draw an analogy with sports. Articulation gymnastics is an ordinary exercise for general health, and speech therapy exercises are already a treatment aimed at the special development of the muscles of some organ.

When to take action

Если к 5 – 7 годам ребенок не выговаривает some letters - it's time to work with a speech therapist, who will help you choose a special complex of articulation gymnastics and will focus on the necessary exercises precisely for the correct pronunciation of a certain sound. And it should be done as quickly as possible. Bad speech can lead to unpleasant consequences. The child will not be in time at school (after all, oral speech affects the formation of a letter), it can be teased (which will traumatize the child’s delicate psyche and adversely affect his character). But you can not bring up to this, if you pay attention in time to problems with the child's speech.

First steps

А первые сигналы могут появиться еще в infancy age. For example, a child does not like or chew on solid food for a long time. It means that his chewing muscles are weakened, which take not the last part in the speech process. Even if the child has problems with sucking milk - this is a signal to strengthen the speech apparatus. Of course, at this age, the child does not explain what articulation gymnastics is, but first let him nibble something hard: a carrot, an apple, or lick a spoon (this strengthens the muscles of the tongue).

With children 2 - 3 years is already possiblearticulation gymnastics in the form of a game. Even if the child does not learn to pronounce any sounds correctly, such preliminary training will significantly increase the effectiveness of classes with a speech therapist afterwards. But most likely you will notice significant improvements in pronunciation, because articulation gymnastics is an excellent prevention of speech disorders. Pay attention to the games that strengthen the fine motor skills of the child. The relationship between speech and finger work is scientifically proven.

How to do

Начинайте с самых простых упражнений (или игр).Stand together in front of the mirror and “make a head”: inflate your cheeks, smile full-mouth clown smile, build all kinds of faces. Even show each other a language - this is also a good articulation gymnastics for the language, like any facial exercises.

Play role-playing games.This will increase the vocabulary of the child, since children with speech disorders, as a rule, have difficulty expressing thoughts. In addition, this is a great development of the emotional sphere of the baby, his spirituality. Engage in between times, for 3 minutes several times a day. To the baby was interesting. Long classes for a child will quickly get bored. Come up with new elements if you see that the lessons have become uninteresting to the child.

With older babies, a full-fledgedarticulation gymnastics, but only in a benevolent form. No need to insist, if the baby doesn’t do something, praise anyway, and he will try.

Complex articulation gymnastics

Choose your own set of exercises,which your child likes more and is good at it. There are exercises in a poetic form, where the kid himself guesses a rhyme, uttering once again the necessary sounds.

One of the simple and universal exercises,for example, it contributes to the prevention of acute respiratory infections and lung diseases and at the same time improves the articulation of the child. Teach your child to exhale slowly with different lip shapes. To do this, on the exhale, one must continuously pronounce various syllables with consonants "b" and "m". At the same time, exhalation is intermittent, which strengthens the respiratory system and the speech apparatus.

In any case, make every effort to ensure that the child pronounced all sounds correctly at school. This will help him a lot.