Inflammation of the ovaries is called oophoritis.This disease is mainly a consequence of salpingitis, and itself is rare. The disease can lead to infertility and a number of other unpleasant consequences, if not timely diagnosed and treated.
There is a two-way oophoritis, and alsounilateral. In addition, distinguish between chronic, acute and subacute forms of the disease. It can be caused by STDs, streptococci, mycobacteria tuberculosis, staphylococci and other microorganisms.
In the acute process of manifestation the following:
- heat;
- pain in the lower back and in the lower abdomen;
- disorders of urination;
- chills;
- abnormal ovarian function;
- soreness during sex;
- Appendages are edematic, painful and palpable unclear;
- peritoneal phenomena.
Chronic oophoritis, symptoms:
- abdominal pain;
- cycle disorders (dysfunctional bleeding);
- appendages are painful and enlarged;
- fatigue and drowsiness;
- vaginal discharge;
- sexual dysfunction (lack of attraction, soreness during intimate proximity, lack of orgasm);
- infertility;
- ectopic pregnancy.
Usually, the infection enters the appendages by an ascending route, that is, through the uterus. Therefore, the disease is often provoked:
- STDs;
- use of a spiral;
- abortion;
- childbirth;
- surgical interventions on the genitals.
Oophoritis is diagnosed with chronicgynecological examination, anamnesis, patient complaints, tests and ultrasound. The doctor takes swabs for bacteriological cultures, flora and DNA diagnostics to determine the pathogen and its sensitivity to the drugs. In addition, an increased number of leukocytes is noted in blood and urine tests.
For diagnostics, hysterosalpingoscopy is also used, which allows to detect changes in the pipes. The most informative method is laparoscopy. It helps to inspect the ovaries, tubes, uterus.
If you find pathologies, you can immediatelyremove, for example, cut spikes. Changes in the small pelvis depend on the duration of the process and the frequency of exacerbations. With chronic oophoritis on laparoscopy, spikes, formations in the ovaries and tubes, their infection and obstruction are seen.
If oophoritis is suspected of chronic tuberculosis etiology, then diagnostic curettage, Mantoux, Koch test is used. Also, sowing of excreta during menstruation is used.
In acute inflammation, treatment is carried out inhospital. Assign antibiotics, analgesics, calcium chloride, sulfonamides, ice on the lower abdomen, rest. In addition, vitamins, restorative drugs and medications are recommended for the prevention of adhesions. In the subacute stage, physiotherapy is used very carefully.
In this case, if the treatment is started late or it isinadequately, then oophoritis chronic may occur, which will manifest itself as periodic exacerbations. They are usually associated with overwork, hypothermia, colds, stress.
Chronic process is treated withbalneotherapy and physiotherapy during remission. Depending on the specific situation about the need for antibiotics and painkillers during an exacerbation the decision is made by the doctor. If the appendages are greatly enlarged and conservative methods do not help, then surgery is applied. With gonorrheal and tuberculous oophoritis, specific treatment is prescribed.
Categorically it is impossible to engage in self-medication.If you have any signs of a disease, you should immediately contact a gynecologist, in addition, visit him once a year, even if there is nothing to worry about. Avoiding trouble will help to maintain hygiene and safe sex.
Thus, chronic oophoritis is a disease,The result is an untimely or inadequate treatment of an acute process. If a woman does not consult a doctor, infertility and other health problems may occur. It is not excluded the removal of appendages.