/ / Means "Lymphomyosot". Instructions

Means "Lymphomyosot". Instructions

The agent "Lymphomyosot" (the composition of which includesvegetable components) is included in a number of products of the homotoxic series. The drug has an immunomodulatory, anti-edema, detoxification, lymphatic drainage, anti-inflammatory action. When penetrating the body, the drug provokes stabilization of metabolic processes, increases lymphatic drainage from tissues, increases barrier functions in the lymph nodes. The drug also helps to increase the elimination of toxic products from the intercellular space. This, in turn, causes an improvement in the interaction between the cells of the nervous, immune and endocrine systems. So, for example, increased lymph drainage of the gastrointestinal tract helps to strengthen protective resources in the intestinal membrane. Similar changes are observed in almost all mucous membranes. The use of the drug increases the intensity of penetration of other drugs. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to lower the dosage and adverse reactions of the body to other medicines.

Adenoids lymphomyositis

The drug "Lymphomyosot". Instruction: indications

lymphomyositis composition

The drug is recommended for drugintoxication, lymphatic-hypoplastic, exudative-catarrhal diathesis, pathologies accompanied by immunodeficiency. In diabetes mellitus with the development of polyneuropathy, perineural edema, dysbiosis, the drug "Lymphomyosot" is also prescribed. Adenoids, benign and malignant pathologies, skin lesions (endogenous dermatoses, neurodermatitis, eczema) are also included in the list of indications for the drug. The drug is recommended for lymphatics, elephantiasis including. The medicine is prescribed as a stage of treatment of pathologies of the nasopharynx, asthenia, mental retardation, somatic personality disorders.

The drug "Lymphomyosot". Instruction: contraindications, side effects

lymphomyositis instruction

Against the background of the use of the drug,stimulation of the production of thyroid hormones. In this regard, the drug is not prescribed for thyrotoxicosis, hyperthyroidism. Contraindications include hypersensitivity to components. During pregnancy and lactation, the medication is allowed for use only on the advice of a doctor. In clinical practice, adverse reactions to the drug have not been documented and described.

Means "Lymphomyosot". Instructions for use

The drug in the form of tablets under the tongue or for receptioninside it is recommended to apply before meals for half an hour. It is allowed to dissolve the medicine in water. Dosage for children is determined by a specialist. The prescribed amount of the drug can also be diluted in a glass of water and taken during the day in small sips. The liquid should be retained for a short while in the mouth. Solution for injections is prescribed by ampoule per day. Apply once or twice a week. In the acute course of pathology, a specialist can recommend an ampoule daily.

Means "Lymphomyosot". Instruction: special instructions

The duration of homotoxic treatment is prescribed by a specialist individually. The scheme of application depends on the clinical manifestations, severity and course of the pathology.