/ / "Clotrimazole": instructions for use, release forms, reviews

"Clotrimazole": instructions for use, release forms, testimonials

Согласно инструкции по применению, "Клотримазол" is an antifungal agent that promotes growth retardation and the complete destruction of almost all types of bacteria and fungi that provoke infectious diseases. However, one type of microorganism is resistant to the action of such a drug - Candida strains.

Drug dosage forms

  • Cream for use externally.
  • Ointment (outwardly).
  • Spray (outwardly).
  • Gel (externally).
  • Solution (outwardly).
  • Vaginal cream.
  • Vaginal tablets.


As confirmed by the instructions for use,Clotrimazole has a wide spectrum of activity. Under its influence, the synthesis of ergosterol, the main component of the fungal cell walls, is disrupted. As a result, the permeability of the pathological cell changes, which leads to its death.

Clotrimazole - ointment or cream

Significant dosages of the drug violatemetabolic processes in cellular mitochondria and increase the intracellular level of hydrogen peroxide, which is detrimental to the microorganism. In addition to the fact that the drug shows high activity against mold and yeast-like fungi, it also has a slight antibacterial effect on streptococci, staphylococci, and also bacteroids and gardnerellas.

Indications for use

According to the instructions for use, "Clotrimazole" should be used for the defeat of the mucous membranes and skin fungus. These diseases include:

  • ringworm;
  • trichophytosis;
  • dermatophytosis;
  • microsporia;
  • athlete's disease;
  • stomatitis;
  • candidiasis;
  • fungal paronychia;
  • interdigital erosion;
  • mycosis complicated by secondary pyoderma;
  • vulvovaginitis;
  • candidal vulvitis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • balanitis;
  • varicolored and scaly deprive;
  • erythrasma

Resorted to the use of the drug and in the preparation of the birth canal for childbirth.


  • Hypersensitivity to the components.
  • Period of menstruation (vaginal cream and pills).
  • First trimester of pregnancy.
  • Lactation period (with caution).

Adverse Reactions

  • Local: swelling, burning, peeling and irritation of the skin, erythematous rash, paresthesia, blisters.
  • Allergic: urticaria, pruritus.
  • Intravaginal administration: burning, itching, swelling and hyperemia of the mucous membrane, vaginal discharge, gastralgia, headache, frequent urination, cystitis.

When fungal lesions of the genitals are used Clotrimazole ointment and men.The instructions for use contain information that after using such a drug, the patient may experience a burning sensation in the penis area, as well as pain during intercourse.

Application and dosage

Solution, cream or ointment "Clotrimazole" instructionon application recommends applying a thin layer to the affected mucous and skin areas three times a day. In this case, the medicine must be gently rubbed. A single dose of the drug is a strip of cream no more than 5 mm in length or up to 20 drops of a solution. On average, the course of such treatment does not exceed four weeks, but to completely eliminate the clinical symptoms, doctors prolong therapy for another two weeks. Erythrasma, for example, is treated for 2 to 4 weeks, but the versatile lichen - from 7 to 20 days. Please note that before applying Clotrimazole ointment, the instructions for use strongly recommend that you first wash your feet with soap and warm water and then dry them thoroughly with a towel. Particular attention should be paid to the area between the fingers. Fungal lesions of the skin of the legs require the continuation of treatment for another two to three weeks.

Clotrimazole tablets

Vaginal cream should be administered as deeply as possible.in the vagina once a day for three days. In this case, the dosage should be no more than 5 grams of the drug. When balanitis or candidal vulvitis cream "Clotrimazole" instructions for use recommends applying up to three times a day. The course of treatment is up to two weeks. As a rule, painful sensations disappear after a few procedures.

Tablets "Clotrimazole" instructions for useIt is advised to enter a single dose of 500 mg or within three days of 200 mg. It is better to do this in the evening, before bedtime, so the drug is better to penetrate into the lesion. Usually, this therapy is combined with regular treatment of the genital organs with a solution, ointment or cream. If necessary, repeat the treatment. In order to reorganize the birth canal, a pill is administered once.

Ointment "Clotrimazole"

This form of the drug is intended for outdoor use.application. Ointment "Clotrimazole" instructions for use recommends using for treatment, which is aimed at combating the causative agent of the infectious process. These include diseases caused by various fungi that are sensitive to the drug.

Согласно инструкции по применению, мазь "Clotrimazole" is distinguished by its white color, dense texture and homogeneous structure. The main active ingredient of the drug is clotrimazole, which contains 10 mg per 1 g of the substance. Supplementary ingredients include:

  • methyl paraben;
  • propylene glycol;
  • polyethylene oxide 1500;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate.

The drug is available in aluminum tubes of 30 g. The carton pack contains one such tube and a reminder on the use of the medicine.


According to the instructions for use, ointment "Clotrimazole" is prescribed in the following situations:

  • superficial infections of a fungal nature, which provoke mold and yeast fungi;
  • Erythrasma, pink and pityriasis versicolor;
  • foot fungus and natural folds;
  • purulent skin lesion secondary bacterial infection.

The active ingredient of the ointment after application penetrates well into the deepest layers of the skin, however, it is almost not absorbed into the systemic circulation.

What is the difference between ointment and cream?

The drug dosage form is prescribed based onindications. If the patient has peeling and dry skin, ointment "Clotrimazole" is suitable for treatment according to the instructions for use. Women and men are prescribed this medicine in case of development of mycoses of the skin, inguinal athlete's disease, erythrasma, pityriasis, and mixed fungal-bacterial infections.

Weeping inflammation involves the use of the drug in the form of a cream, because it has a drying effect.

Application of the solution

Clotrimazole, as a solution, is used toapplications. Before the procedure it is recommended to thoroughly wash the treated area with soap and water. A small amount of the drug should be applied to a piece of folded several times bandage and attach to the affected place. Liquid "clotrimazole" penetrates the epidermis better, therefore, is preferable for onychomycosis.

Clotrimazole solution

In case of a lesion of the oral cavity with a mucous fungus, it is treated with a swab or a cotton swab moistened with a solution. After that, one should not eat or drink anything for an hour.

In case of damage to the auditory canal by yeast fungi, turundi with a solution are inserted into the ear for 10 minutes. The procedure is repeated up to 4 times per day for a month.

Instructions for using the gel

Apply the gel in the same way as ointment - 2-3once a day, rubbing light movements. A feature of this form of medicine is its rapid absorption, which allows the drug to be applied even on hard-to-reach areas of the body. The gel can be applied intravaginally 5 g once a day. The course of treatment in this case will be three days.

Vaginal tablets

This form of the drug is indicated for thrush inwomen. Before use, the tablet is moistened with boiled water and injected as deeply as possible into the vagina while lying. It is best to do this before going to bed, at night. The course of treatment is:

  • on the tablet twice a day - for three days;
  • on a tablet once a day - six days.

It is not recommended to use the drug in the periodmenses. Also, in parallel with the treatment can not be douche, use spermicides and tampons. Before delivery for the rehabilitation of the genital tract, 200 mg of the drug is administered once. "Clotrimazole" tablets are contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Vaginal candles

Эта форма препарата показана при молочнице.Suppositories are introduced into the vagina for 6 days on it. In pregnancy, candles can be used only from the second trimester and only after consulting a doctor.


special instructions

Before using Clotrimazole, the instructions for use advise you to carefully study the following points:

  • You can not use the drug for fungal lesions of the breast.
  • Do not apply ointment to the skin around the eyes. In case of accidental contact, wash immediately with running water.
  • With the appearance of pronounced adverse reactions, the drug should be stopped.
  • Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after using the ointment.
  • To prevent the infection from returning, both sexual partners should be treated simultaneously.
  • After applying the ointment to apply an occlusive dressing is not necessary.
  • In case of liver failure, the doctor should monitor the state of the liver in parallel with the treatment with Clotrimazole.
  • If the effect of treatment is absent within a month, you need to confirm the diagnosis.


Cases of drug overdose todayday not identified. Clotrimazole in any form can be purchased without a prescription. However, doctors do not recommend self-treatment with this medication. First, in any case, you need to make a diagnosis.


Analogs "Clotrimazole"

  • "Bifalon" - is indicated for dermatomycosis caused by dermatophytes, mold fungi and yeast, as well as for erythrasma (mycoses of the hands, feet, superficial candidiasis, versatile lichen).
  • "Bifunal" - acute and chronic ringworms, including the scalp.
  • Ginezol - vulvovaginal and vaginal mycoses, balanitis, superinfection, provoked by gram-positive microorganisms.
  • "Derma-Rest" - local treatment of some dermatophytosis.
  • "Dermazole Plus" - prevention and treatment of fungus of the scalp. This includes recurrent and chronic seborrhea, pityriasis versicolor, dermatitis.
  • "Zalain" - used topically for vaginal candidiasis.
  • Candide is a fungus of the mucous membranes and skin, erythrasma, versicolor versicolor, candidal balanitis and vulvitis.
  • "Kanespor" - mycoses of the skin, dermatophytes.
  • "Kanesten" - a fungus of the mucous membranes and skin, versicolor versicolor, candida vulvitis, inflammation of the extreme cavity and the head of the penis in men.
  • "Ketodin" - infections of the nails and skin, athlete's foot and hand, inguinal athlete, onychomycosis, pityriasis versicolor, paronychia, seborrheic dermatitis, diaper dermatitis, folliculitis.
  • "Ketozoral" - seborrheic dermatitis, skin candidiasis, athlete's inguinal.
  • "Ketoconazole" - local treatment of skin infections, athlete's body, pityriasis versicolor, skin candidiasis.
  • "Clotrex" - dermatophytosis, erythrasma, pityriasis versicolor, candidal lesions, furunculosis, superficial folliculitis, paronychia, eczema, erythrasma, infected wounds.
  • "Clotrisal" - erythrasma, candidomycosis of the skin, dermatophytosis, onychomycosis, pityriasis versicolor.
  • "Mikogal" - all types of fungal skin diseases.
  • "Mikogel" - lesions of the nails and the skin with fungus, ringworm, vaginal candidiasis, bacterial infections.
  • "Mikozolon" - diseases of the nails and skin, accompanied by itching and inflammation, diaper rash, mycosis of the ear canal.
  • Miconazole - infections of the skin, folds, nails.
  • "Mikospor" - except for infections, is appointed after removal of nails affected by mycosis.

These and many other drugs are analogues of Clotrimazole. However, each of them can only be used after consulting a doctor.

Storage conditions

"Клотримазол" в виде мази может храниться два years after manufacture. It should be kept away from children at a temperature of up to +20 ºС. Tablets are stored a little longer - up to three years. Freeze the composition is prohibited. Solution "Clotrimazole" instructions for use recommends that you also store three years at temperatures up to +25 ºС.


Price suppositories "Clotrimazole" in our countryranges from 35 rubles. The drug in the form of ointment costs from 65 to 72 rubles. For vaginal tablets will have to pay 17-75 rubles. Such a variation in price depends on the manufacturer. The average solution costs about 140 rubles.

Clotrimazole spray

Reviews about the drug

As notes on the instructions for use and reviews,Clotrimazole ointment is a proven, effective and inexpensive remedy for fungal diseases. Also, the drug showed itself very well in the fight against pigment spots. Also, people note clear instructions for the use of "Clotrimazole." For women, this drug has generally become indispensable, especially in the treatment of such a common disease as thrush. Patients note its low cost and no side effects.

Пользователи довольны тем, что препарат Available in different forms, so you can choose the right for yourself. No less warmly about the medication respond to the representatives of the stronger sex. Suitable "clotrimazole" and men. Instructions for use describes in detail the treatment regimen. However, patients note one drawback: the drug must be used for a long time.