/ / Ball in the earlobe: how to defeat atheroma

The ball in the earlobe: how to beat the atheroma

If you are worried about the ball in the earlobe, then you can leadSpeech about atheroma. As a result of this disease, the sebaceous gland clogs, which ceases to perform its functions and can turn into a cyst, located on the ear lobe. Sometimes an atheroma is called a wen or a bag filled with lard.

The disease can spread to anyone, regardless of gender and age. In the classical form, the ball in the earlobe has a yellow color and clear boundaries.
Epidermal cyst (atheroma) ispainless tumor, which has a round shape, the size of which can reach 40 millimeters. In some cases, the wen develops to large sizes. Education is harmless to a person as long as it does not disturb him, but there is a danger of suppuration and transmission of infection. With complications associated with suppurations, the induration in the earlobe begins to hurt badly, redness and swelling occur, and body temperature rises. In many cases, after suppuration, the ball can open up on its own. After the rupture of atheroma, a liquid mass consisting of pus, lard, and ichor leaves from it.

Education in the earlobe may occur byvarious reasons. The most common are unfavorable environmental conditions and a violation in the human body metabolism. Sometimes the cause of atheroma are hormonal disorders and hyperhidrosis. There are theories about the hereditary transmission of the disease.

Шарик в мочке уха может располагаться в течение several years without causing a person special anxiety. But it must be remembered that atheroma is a neoplasm requiring treatment. And it is desirable to get rid of it before inflammation occurs. If there is a suppuration in the lobe, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor. During treatment, an autopsy of the cyst is performed, the contents are removed, and bandaging is performed. In severe cases, antibiotics are prescribed. When there is a complete healing of atheroma (after a month), it must be removed, since inflammation can occur many times.

Sad is the fact that patients come inclinic, when the ball in the earlobe becomes inflamed and becomes pronounced. Do not forget that the treatment of the disease must begin not only in cases where it causes moral and physical discomfort. First of all, atheroma is a pathology, and wherever it appears, it should be removed. No need to wait until the ball in the earlobe grows: the smaller its size, the easier it is to remove it, and fewer traces will remain after the operation.

Atheroma often develops on oily skin toprevent its formation, it is recommended in the bath or while taking a bath to rub the skin well with a washcloth with soap. You should also limit the use of spicy dishes, rich in fat foods, sweets and flour products.

Если на мочке уха шарик начинает увеличиваться, make a surgical operation. For the complete elimination of the pathology of the simple opening of the formation and removal of its contents is not enough, you also need to get the capsule. Otherwise, atheroma will grow again.

Surgical intervention is performed under localanesthesia. An incision is made on the ear lobe, through which the cyst and its capsule are removed. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, and after it the patient can go home.
There are more advanced treatments.atheroma of the ear: laser and radio wave removal. Laser treatment is performed in the initial stages of the disease. The radio wave method consists in evaporating the contents and cells of the neoplasm using a special technology, without the need for surgical manipulations.

Surgery is resorted to in cases where both methods have not yielded visible results.