/ / Flowers of balloons with their own hands

Flowers of balloons with their own hands

Воздушные шарики всегда дарят праздник и отличное the mood for both children and adults. In addition, if you make different shapes from the balls yourself, you can decorate the interior in an original way and make the atmosphere more solemn. And the flowers from the balls will be an excellent alternative to a living bouquet. Such a gift will be original and profitable in financial terms. And to make flowers from balloons with their own hands is not so difficult.

flowers from balloons own hands

The art of decorating the interior withBalloons are called aerodisign, and the technique of making similar decorations from balls is by modeling. With the help of this article, you will learn how to make wonderful flowers from balloons yourself and whole bouquets to create a festive decoration.

Flower of balls

To create an "air" flower you will needtake two balls for modeling: light or bright for petals and green for leaves and stems. These balls are made of latex, which is strong and environmentally friendly. Working with such material is a pleasure. It is necessary to remember the main rule of twisting. All twists are performed with one hand and always in one direction. With the other hand, you need to hold the penultimate and first bubbles. Otherwise, the figures will spin, and the gift will not work.

heart of balloons

Stalk of green ball

If you want to make flowers from balloons yourself, first of all you need to prepare the stem.

  1. A balloon with a loose tail about 10see This ponytail will be filled with air during the process of twisting. Having inflated a ball, it is necessary to let out a little air that it became softer. Then we make a twist in the form of a tulip. It looks like this. The tip of the index finger is to pierce the throat assembly inside the ball. Then, with the other hand, grasp the knot through the ball to gently pull out the finger. After that, twisting is done, so that the node is located below it. The bud is ready.
  2. A ten-centimeter bubble is twisted thatbegins from the twisting of the tulip. Then you need to make two small bubbles and twist them with a lock. This is the first leaf on the stem. In the same way, you can make a second leaf. The stem is ready.


To make flowers from balloons yourhands, it is necessary to completely inflate the ball, then release a little air to make the ball soft. Otherwise, during the twisting, the ball can burst. After that, the knot is tied and simulation begins. The end of the ball must be squeezed to make a small tail. After that, both ends should be tied together.

At the point opposite the node, the ball is twisted byin the way that it is divided into two equal parts. The resulting parts are added together by a fan. Joints should form a straight line. After this, it is necessary to squeeze the ball at the joints and twist them all together. After these simple manipulations you should get a flower with six petals.

Connecting the flower with the stem

figures from the balls own hands

To connect the figure, you need to take the stem forTulip and stick it between the joints in the center of the flower. Similarly, you can do other shapes, for example, a balloon heart, a dog, a giraffe, and so on. Show your imagination, and a real holiday will come to your house.