/ / Hanging moles on the neck - causes, peculiarities of removal and recommendations

Hanging moles on the neck - causes, peculiarities of removal and recommendations

Moles, or nevi, are on everyone's bodyperson With age, new formations may appear. In most cases, nevi are flat and do not cause any problems. Sometimes, however, hanging moles are formed, which is rather unpleasant from an aesthetic point of view, especially if they are located on open skin areas, such as the neck and face.

hanging moles

Nevus formation

The basis of the mechanism of formation of pigment spotsis a violation in the functioning of melanoblasts. The latter are the cells responsible for the production of melanin pigment, which determines the color of the skin and individual skin areas on the body. Disruption of melanoblasts can occur during the period of intrauterine development of the child.

As a consequence of pathological changes, melaninunevenly distributed in the skin cells, which leads to the grouping of pigment spots on different areas of the skin. Doctors explain the formation of nevi genetically determined defect of the epidermis.

Risk group

In the first place, this includes women -they appear much more often than men, like tumors. The cause of a nevus becomes, as a rule, a high level of estrogen. Also, the risk is higher in people with very light and sensitive skin. Can not be held in the sun for a long time without protective equipment with high SPF. Risks and people with burns, both thermal and chemical.

hanging moles on the neck

Benign neoplasms

Висячие родинки считаются доброкачественными formations. However, under the influence of certain negative factors, such as ultraviolet light, mechanical damage, etc., cells can mutate and provoke the development of melanoma.

Why do hanging moles appear on the neck? The skin in this area has a high degree of sensitivity to negative influences from the outside, which explains the greatest likelihood of nevus development on it.

Types of moles

Существует несколько видов невусов.The difference between them may be in the form, as well as in size. The risk of rebirth of a mole in melanoma is quite high. The most common types of nevi are:

1. Hanging.Moles in the neck are papilla-shaped neoplasms. Their color is often solid. Hanging moles on the body protrude above the surface of the skin, for which they hold a thin base. This kind of moles can appear in a person at any age. In medical practice, cases of the appearance of hanging nevi in ​​newborns were recorded. According to external characteristics, they resemble papillomas, but the structure of these formations is different. The danger of hanging nevi is that it is easy to injure them, which can provoke mutation and degeneration into melanoma.

2. Red. They are also called angiomas.Unlike others, these formations arise as a result of an increase in blood vessels, which causes their red hue. Such pigment spots occur mostly in children. For adults, such education is not typical. Scientists see the relationship between angiomas and infectious diseases that a woman suffered during pregnancy.

hanging moles on the body

Often there is a hanging mole under the arm.The causes of its appearance are ultraviolet, falling on the skin, fluctuations in hormonal levels (transitional age or pregnancy — at this time new growths often occur), HPV, heredity.

Types of pigment moles

Another type of nevi are pigmented moles. They, in turn, are divided into the following types:

1. Lentigo.It is a spot of monochromatic color, which can be either light or dark brown. Moles of this species are flat and do not protrude above the surface of the skin. Quite often they are mistaken for freckles.

2. Specific, or complex nevi. They are distinguished by a dark color and a convex structure. Their feature is that they are not only on the surface, but also on the inner layer of the epidermis.

3. Intradermal nevus. It has a smooth or rough surface. For this mole typical appearance of hairs on its surface.

4. Sotton stains.These pigment spots appear suddenly and also suddenly disappear. A significant difference between Sotton's spots and other types of moles is a specific halo, which is formed from bleached skin. Spots quite rarely reborn into malignant neoplasms.

5. Blue birthmarks.As the name implies, they are distinguished by their blue color, as well as their small size, the maximum reaching 2 mm. All nevi of blue color have the equal form. Most often they appear on the face and neck.

6. Congenital nevi. They appear on the body of the child immediately after birth and grow with it.

Causes of birthmarks

The exact causes of the appearance of nevi on the human body are not yet known. However, factors that, according to research, can provoke the formation of nevi are highlighted:

1. Ultraviolet radiation.In excess, it leads to a change in the pigmentation of the skin. Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can cause disruptions in the work of melanoblasts. What else can cause hanging moles?

2. Failure in the human hormone balance. Nevi often appear during pregnancy and adolescence, due to pronounced hormonal changes.

3. Predisposition at the genetic level.It is not uncommon for parents and children to have birthmarks in the same place. But the heredity of the formation of moles is not always explained. The appearance of a nevus can be triggered by various factors, including the individual characteristics of the organism.

4. Skin lesions. Injury to the same skin site several times can lead to cell mutation and, as a result, the formation of pigment spots.

appearance of hanging moles

The danger of hanging moles is that there is a high risk of their transformation into melanomas.


Melanomas occur as a result of the active proliferation of cells that are responsible for the production of melanocytes. This process is activated under the influence of the following factors:

1. Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

2. Damage to the skin area on which moles are located. Hanging moles in the neck are especially dangerous, as they are easily traumatized by jewelry or clothing.

3. Hormonal failure.

4. Malignant neoplasm. Causes of hanging moles should be determined by a doctor.

hanging moles causes

When should I see a doctor?

The following symptoms are considered as a reason for consulting a specialist:

1. Active growth moles.

2. Discoloration of the pigment spot, especially in the case of black and dark blue nevi.

3. The mole became rough.

4. Bleeding neoplasms.

5. Inflammation of moles.

6. A halo appeared around the tumor.

7. Itching nevus.

Вышеназванные признаки могут указывать на начало cell mutations that will later cause melanoma. However, sometimes the cause of itching and inflammation can be quite commonplace - wearing uncomfortable, tight clothing that rubs a nevus.

How to remove a hanging mole?

causes of hanging moles

Nevus removal

Pigment stains are removed only ifif the degeneration of a mole into a malignant neoplasm is confirmed. Sometimes surgeons remove a mole at the request of the patient, even in the absence of evidence for this procedure. There are several techniques:

1. Laser removal.It is assigned if necessary to remove a mole with a flat surface. The laser sequentially burns out the layers of the skin in the place where the tumor is located. Removal is performed under local anesthesia and in fact does not cause damage to healthy skin areas that are located around the nevus.

2. Electrocoagulation. Mole removal occurs through the impact on the affected area of ​​high-frequency current.

3. Cryodestruction.It is used in cases where there is a need to remove a hanging mole. The procedure is carried out using liquid nitrogen. Under the influence of low temperatures, the cells die and it turns out to remove the mole.

4. Excision of tissues.This method is permissible to apply in any formations. Thus, it is possible to achieve not only complete removal of a mole, but also to prevent possible relapses. After the excision, a scar remains in the place where the mole was.

hanging mole under the arm

Home Treatment

There are several methods for self-help.remove nevus. Special drugs can be bought in pharmacies. They are medicines that have a freezing and necrotizing effect. In addition, you can use the methods of traditional medicine, namely:

1. Чистотел.It is an affordable and effective means for removing moles. For this, the juice of celandine is applied to the surface of a nevus twice a day. When a black spot forms at the site of application, you should stop processing and wait two weeks, during which the build-up dries up and disappears.

2. Soda. Paste from this tool is applied to the mole within two weeks. It is necessary to wait each time for its drying and then to wash it off. The procedure is repeated twice a day.

3. Garlic. Fresh juice should be processed mole. Avoid contact with healthy skin. For night compresses, you can use garlic soaked for two weeks in vinegar.

4. Iodine. This antiseptic also has a drying effect. Iodine can get rid of a mole if applied twice a day.


Such moles do not deliver by themselves.discomfort to the person. In some cases, they disappear on their own without the use of surgical methods of treatment. However, it should be borne in mind that such growths on the skin require special attention, as they can mutate into a malignant neoplasm.

So, we considered the causes of hanging moles.