/ / Treatment of tracheitis at home. Tracheitis: signs and treatment. Tracheitis: folk treatment

Treating tracheitis at home. Tracheitis: signs and treatment. Tracheitis: folk methods of treatment

In the cold season, colds are notsuch a big rarity. People have become accustomed to this, and therefore they are trying to meet the onset of cold weather "fully armed," that is, they stock up on medicines to fight back diseases. Moreover, outpatient treatment to get rid of colds is often prescribed by doctors.

home treatment of tracheitis
Subject to compliance with all recommendations, the patient recovers well. Treatment of tracheitis at home is no exception. What is it?

Acute tracheitis

Inflammation of the tracheal mucosa (tracheitis) is a consequence of a previously arisen respiratory disease that was not stopped in time. What is it like?

Tracheitis is acute and chronic.Accordingly, the treatment in these two cases may differ. The acute form arises from the effect of viruses on the mucous membrane. Inhalation of cold, dry, polluted air can also cause acute tracheitis, the treatment of which is a prerequisite for restoring health.

The disease rarely occurs as an independent. It develops against the background of bronchitis, laryngitis, rhinitis and requires complex treatment.

Chronic tracheitis

The disease from the acute form can turn into chronic with improper treatment. Or in the absence of such. Chronic tracheitis treatment will require a longer and more serious.

There are groups of people who mostsusceptible to the development of such a form of the disease. These include patients with serious illnesses such as sinusitis, chronic sinusitis, heart disease. Heavy smokers and alcohol drinkers are also at risk.

In these cases, the treatment of tracheitis at homeconditions should be carried out, adhering to the strict recommendations of the doctor. He selects drugs in accordance with the severity of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Tracheitis symptoms

The main symptom of the disease isa kind of cough that cannot be eliminated with the help of warming agents, such as tea, hot milk. Increased irritation occurs in the evening or in a dream, in the morning. A deep breath can also cause a coughing fit. Throat redness, tickling, discomfort are the symptoms of tracheitis.

A long coughing fit can causesevere pain in the region of the larynx and chest. In his absence, there is no discomfort. The patient, fearing the occurrence of cough and discomfort, at the instinctive level, holds his breath.

tracheitis signs and treatment

The disease may be accompanied by fever. It periodically decreases and grows again. The process can take up to five days.

A hoarse voice or his complete loss is anothertracheitis sign. Sometimes the patient relates these symptoms to laryngitis. When coughing, the phlegm of the clear color goes away easily. The person accepts this as a positive sign and continues to self-cure, using the wrong drugs for this.

Tracheitis, signs and treatment of which mayrecognize only a specialist and prescribe with the necessary drugs, referred to as "insidious" disease. This is because bronchitis, pneumonia and other serious diseases of the respiratory system can become consequences. In this case, the treatment of tracheitis at home is no longer possible, and the person is hospitalized.

Treatment Rules

Treatment of tracheitis begins with the establishment of the cause that gave rise to it. Only having learned it, the doctor can prescribe the correct course of rehabilitation.

Treatment of tracheitis at home will bedepend on the patient's temperature. Even if it is low, the appointment of heating procedures is contraindicated. Therefore, one of the rules for treating tracheitis is constant monitoring of body temperature. In the room where the patient is, the air should not be dry. Maintaining adequate moisture is another prerequisite for patient recovery.


Aerosols and sprays are an excellent way to get rid of the disease. Spraying the medicinal substance allows it to fall directly on the inflamed areas of the mucous membrane.

dry cough tracheitis treatment
And this is very important for the healing process. Therefore, today drugs for the treatment of tracheitis in the form of sprays and aerosols have become the most popular.


This is another effective way to helpeliminate tracheitis. Inhalation treatment is applied simultaneously with the traditional drug rehabilitation course. To achieve the desired recovery, one must remember that the duration of the procedures should not be less than 10 minutes. They begin to use when the disease lasts three days or more.

Введение лекарства способом ингаляции можно use in home and stationary conditions. This is often practiced in the treatment of the respiratory tract. This type of inhalation is called artificial. Herbs, oils, or medications are used as medicines.

Independent appointment of such procedures fortreatment of tracheitis should be excluded, since at the same time another disease may occur, in which warming may be contraindicated.

In addition to artificial inhalation, there isits natural look. For this, the patient must be in special climatic conditions, where the air with which he breathes has a healing effect. This option is considered the most effective. It can be the air of a pine forest, sea coast, mountains.

Rules of inhalation

При проведении процедуры нужно соблюдать few rules. First, inhalation is carried out after an hour and a half after a meal. Secondly, the patient must be calm, any tension must be eliminated. Third, the chest and neck area should be free of clothing. In addition, after inhalation, the patient needs rest for about forty minutes. After inhalation, doctors do not recommend: eat, drink, talk loudly, smoke. Desirable rest and sleep for an hour.

Treatment of tracheitis sparing means

At the first signs of the disease betterit is only used to treat so-called sparing agents. These include rubbing, rinsing, inhalation. And also do the warming procedures.

Растирания нужны в области груди.For these purposes, used ghee, animal fat. Warming foot baths can be made with mustard. It must be put on socks and worn for several hours. Then stockings need to be removed and actively walk, jump, performing the load on the soles of the feet.

By sparing means of getting rid of the disease can be attributed to the same inhalation.

Medical preparations

Antibiotics may be recommended for treating tracheitis, since the disease is an infectious disease. This appointment is used only if the disease takes severe forms.

chronic tracheitis treatment

In the early stages, the disease is easily treated with expectorant, antiviral, antitussive drugs. Today, their diversity is great, but you need to use only those prescribed by the doctor.

Folk remedies for treating tracheitis

Well proven folk remediesmedicine for the treatment of disease. These include, above all, inhalations with herbs, honey, baking soda, oils. During the procedure, use special devices or improvised means, for example, a pan with boiling water, a large towel. At the same time observe all precautions to avoid scalding with hot steam. Head should not be lowered to the water tank.

A traditional folk remedy for treating tracheitis is inhalation of boiled potato steam. And it is better for this procedure to use only the cleaning of this vegetable.

Another common recipe for inhalation isadd a few drops of eucalyptus or mint oil to the boiling kettle and then let the patient breathe in steam. At the very beginning of the procedure, cough strengthening will be observed, and in the following hours there will be a noticeable improvement in the patient's condition.

 tracheitis inhalation treatment

If there was no oil on hand, then you can use ordinary validol tablets. Dissolve them in hot water and give the patient a breath of steam. The effect will be the same as from inhalation with oils.

With a strong cough and poorly draining sputum, a good tool for this procedure is baking soda. At three liters of water put a teaspoon of the substance and inhale the vapors.

Inhalations for honey are often used inpeople for the treatment of various diseases. Is no exception, and our illness. To do this, dissolve 10 grams of honey in a saucepan with water and heat in a water bath. Inhaled vapors will stop dry cough. Tracheitis, the treatment of which in this way will take several days, can go away.

In any disease, the ability of the body is importantresist infection. Tracheitis is no exception. Traditional methods of treating the disease are recommended to use in order to improve the immunity of tea with berries of lingonberry, currant, raspberry. When using these natural "drugs" the body actively fights against signs of the disease.

chronic tracheitis treatment folk remedies

However, we must not forget what seriousnessThey represent both acute and chronic tracheitis, treatment of these ailments by folk remedies is not always sufficient. These are only additional components in a conservative rehabilitation course, and you should not refuse it.

Herbs and treatments

Plants in folk and traditional medicineoccupy an honorable place in the treatment of many diseases, among which is tracheitis. However, home herbal therapy should take place under control or after consultation with a doctor.

Растения для ингаляций не кипятят, а нагревают их Stems or leaves on the steam bath. When the water boils, inhale the steam, covered with a towel. Today, various models of inhalers that are convenient for home use are commercially available. In most cases, herbs have a beneficial effect on the healing process. But you need to know that they need to be selected for the treatment of the patient individually. This is especially taken into account when preparing a drug from a mixture of herbs. Their effect is that they have a detrimental effect on pathogens. In addition, with the use of herbs is the process of fortification, which is very useful for the patient's body. Plants have anti-inflammatory effects.

Often for inhalation use the following collectionherbs taken in equal proportions - thyme, eucalyptus leaves, elecampane, chamomile, mint, sage, pine buds. For one procedure, it is enough to take a tablespoon of the collection.

An example of another combination of herbs for treating tracheitis: calendula, wild rosemary flowers, linden, licorice root. For inhalation, you can use any other chest collection sold in a pharmacy.

Cooked decoction can be used not only for inhalation of steam, but also for rinsing the mouth, throat.

tracheitis folk treatment methods

Children's disease

The main means of treating tracheitis in childrenremain the same as adults. But it is necessary to take into account some features of the fragile organism and those skills that are developed in children by a certain age.

For example, inhalation can be used only withtwo years old. It should be borne in mind that during this period of development the child will not be able to inhale the steam in the same way as an adult. Therefore, parents have to resort to different methods in order to treat a small patient with inhalations.

One of the techniques may be as follows:the child and the adult sit around boiling medicine in a room where doors and windows are tightly closed, for example, in the kitchen. Inhalation of the drug occurs naturally. At the same time it is necessary to strictly observe the precautions, since the child is near the boiling liquid.

Tracheitis in pregnant women

What to do?Pregnancy is a special condition of a woman. During this period, she must never treat her health responsibly. Unfortunately, a pregnant woman is subject to various diseases much more often than other people. Suddenly, nasal congestion, colds, tracheitis. Signs and treatment of diseases must be diagnosed and an immediate course of rehabilitation must be carried out. Diseases for a pregnant woman are dangerous because they are transmitted to the baby, weakening his health. This may affect the progress of labor.

With a strong cough in a pregnant woman occurstension of the abdominal muscles, which is undesirable. Therefore, at the first signs of tracheitis, it must be treated and try to get rid of coughing episodes.

For the beginning it is recommended to use mustard plasters,warming foot baths, rubbing in the chest with pork fat, melted butter. Antibiotics or antiviral drugs are prescribed by a doctor only as a last resort.

Правильное питание, здоровый образ жизни, careful attention to their health will help avoid the occurrence of such diseases as tracheitis. The symptoms and treatment of this disease can only be determined by a specialist.