/ / The benefits of apples for the body: the amazing properties of the familiar fruit

The benefits of apples to the body: the amazing properties of a familiar fruit

80% of apples are known to be composed of water.A dry weight includes a huge amount of various substances, organic acids, cellulose, sodium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, calcium, and also vitamins (A, PP, C, B), which are vital for humans. The benefits of apples for the body has been repeatedly proven by numerous studies.

use of apples for the body

When do apples help?

В первую очередь они показали себя как одно из The best natural remedies for improving digestion. Due to the high content of naturally occurring acids and tannins, apples make it possible to completely get rid of the discomfort associated with flatulence, fermentation in the intestines, abdominal distention, and also contribute to its regular natural cleansing.

In addition, the benefits of apples for the bodyis that they are quite an effective remedy for constipation. After all, the pectin contained in them has a laxative effect. For prevention, doctors recommend regularly eating 1-2 raw fruits on an empty stomach.

And another remarkable property of these tasty fruits is that they contain special substances that can stop the growth and development of cancer cells throughout the body!

what is the use of apples
As you know, apples are very popular among those who want to lose weight. This is due to the fact that they are considered low-calorie foods.

Speaking about the benefits of apples, it is important to note that they are also a powerful tool for the prevention of diseases of the thyroid gland, as they are able to satisfy human need for iodine.

But vitamin A, contained in them, helps to strengthen the eyesight and improve immunity, to avoid many infectious diseases and colds.

Another valuable substance, the presence of whichdue to the benefits of apples for the body, - potassium. This element helps to prevent the development of urolithiasis and various ailments of the urogenital system.

Sour and sweet-sour varieties are especially indicated toaddicted to people suffering from diabetes. After all, these delicious fruits, among other things, help to regulate the amount of sugar in the blood and remove harmful cholesterol from the body.

Did you know that, on top of thatbesides, are these fruits an excellent way to strengthen teeth? Some people instead of the usual cleansing with a paste and brush in the morning simply eat red apples.

red apples use
The benefits of this fruit for those suffering from gout, rheumatism, atherosclerosis, as well as various skin diseases, has also been repeatedly proven at a scientific level.

And finally, it is the regular use of apples.allows you to clear from harmful impurities lymph and blood - the most important fluids of our body. They are reliable prevention of hardening of blood vessels and are especially recommended for use by hypotension.

Everything is good in moderation

Although the benefits of apples for the body isreally huge, do not forget about some precautions. For example, their sweet varieties, which contain a large amount of sucrose and fructose, can harm the teeth. And the sour should be treated with extreme caution by people suffering from peptic ulcer, gastritis and high acidity.