As you know, iron is an indispensable trace element,necessary for the life of the body. Very important role of iron in the process of hematopoiesis, regulation of immunity, in the work of the endocrine glands, as well as the stomach. Iron is one of the components of hemoglobin. It enters the human body with food. The process of absorption is mainly in the duodenum. A special need for iron is felt by the body during pregnancy, with a significant loss of blood, during growth.
Preparations of iron, with all its positiveinfluence on the body, have contraindications. These are chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver, plastic and hemolytic anemia, leukemia, hemochromatosis. Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, ulcerative colitis require careful administration of drugs. Preparations of iron are used for a long time, up to the complete elimination of iron deficiency in the blood.
Vitamins play a very important role, from the availability ofwhich depend on many indicators of the state of the body. Their lack entails a deterioration in health, a decrease in immunity, the development of certain diseases.
In connection with this,the drug "Complivit Iron." It completely replenishes the body's need for this element in a day. It contains vitamins B, folic acid and zinc, which are necessary for protein biosynthesis. This drug contains iron in easily digestible form, as well as vitamin C and copper, which help to assimilate iron as much as possible.
"Complivit Iron" - this is an additional source of vitamins, iron, minerals.
Iron preparations can be both in the form of tablets,and in the form of syrup. One such is "Ferrum Lek". When ingesting tablets, iron, through intense absorption, enters the bloodstream, resulting in an overdose of it is virtually eliminated. Take them in the process of eating or immediately after it.
Syrup "Ferrum Lek" should be taken on the sameprinciple, as the tablet. You can mix it with vegetable or fruit juices, as well as with nutrient mixtures. The daily rate can be taken in one step or divided by several times.
With iron deficiency anemia, treatment is performed infor three months to establish the norm of hemoglobin in the blood. Then the reception can be continued for preventive purposes to create a reserve of iron in the body. Most iron preparations should be taken for a long period. This contributes to a more complete replacement of iron in the blood.
"Iron hydroxide" is another drug,eliminating the lack of iron in the body. The movement of iron in plasma occurs with the help of gamma globulin transferrin, which is synthesized in the liver. Iron, along with transferrin, enters the body cells, where it participates in the synthesis of enzymes containing iron. It is also stored in the form of ferritin in the body, mainly in the liver.
One of the important problems of mankind in the lasttime is the thyroid gland. Breaking the hormonal background is mainly due to malnutrition. The result is a disruption of the thyroid gland, which affects all age categories. There is an opinion that functional thyroid disorder occurs due to a lack of iodine. With this statement, you can agree, although iodine is a small link in the formation of a common hormonal background. However, in order to prevent this disease, you can regularly apply iodine mesh to the root of the neck. But if the disease does happen, then not everyone knows what to treat the thyroid gland. Traditional medicine can always offer help in solving this problem.
One way is based on taking flaxseed oil on a spoon three times a day, preferably before eating. This means a positive result.
Another method is the use of propolis orroyal jelly. About twenty grams of this or that product should be put under the tongue and hold for half an hour. Then you can chew propolis, and swallow milk.
A noticeable positive effect in the treatment of the disease can be achieved by eating such fruits and berries as strawberries, persimmons, feijoa. They are more suitable to eat fresh and in large quantities.