/ Sclerotrophic Lihen. Causes, symptoms, treatment

Scleroatrophic leuchen. Causes, symptoms, treatment

Scleroatrophic leuchen - this is very unpleasantand at the same time a common skin disease, which in its character resembles lichen. Its distinctive feature is the presence of dense white spots.

general information

Lien is the name of the whole complexa variety of skin diseases, regardless of their origin. All of them are characterized by the appearance of small rashes. From the Greek language, the term "lihen" is translated as a lichen or contagion. In the 19th century, F. Hebra clarified one of the most intricate questions in the field of dermatology, making lychen into the category of skin ailments.

sclerotrophic leuchen

Currently, there are several typesThis disease: shiny, tropical, spiny, sclerotrophic and linear licha. All these pathologies have one common feature - the appearance of a rash on the body in the form of white tubercles. On the other hand, they may differ localization, seasonality (the tropical variant of the disease is most often diagnosed in summer periods). In this article, we will consider in more detail what a sclerotrophic (sclerosing) lyocene is. This pathology occurs in women aged approximately 45-50 years, and in men at 40 years. Representatives of the fair sex are sick with this ailment 10 times more often. In children, pathology is diagnosed extremely rarely, mainly in girls from one year to 13 years.

The main causes of the disease

Currently, experts from all over the world, inincluding the Institute of Dermatology and Cosmetology in Moscow, continue to actively study this pathology, its development mechanisms. Scientists managed to identify several factors that several times increase the likelihood of the disease. These include the following:

  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Diseases of autoimmune nature (psoriasis, lupus erythematosus, etc.).
  • Various infections that affect the genitourinary system directly. Scleroatrophic leichen can develop against the background of genital herpes.
  • Disruption of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus).
    sclerosing lehen

Clinical picture

The disease manifests the appearance of spots and socalled papules. Elements of a rash differ white color and strongly pronounced outlines. They are localized mainly on the neck, upper chest area, shoulders, genitals. Initially, the papules do not exceed 5 mm in diameter. The closely spaced stains eventually fuse into plaques that somewhat overlap the skin. Sometimes blisters appear on the surface of the plaques. If the sclerotrophic lichen is localized in the genital area, the focus of the lesion is dry and constant itching.

The disease can develop throughout theseveral years. Rashes practically do not disturb, very rarely accompanied by itching. That's why patients are not in a hurry to seek qualified help. The course of the disease differs in its wavy form. This means that the area of ​​damage can increase and decrease. There are cases of the transformation of papules into squamous cell carcinoma.

skin diseases

Lychen of the penis

Otherwise, the disease is called kraurosis.In this case, the head of the sexual organ is involved in the pathological process. As a rule, the ailment develops in adult patients, but is relatively rare.

When kraurose in men is affected not onlyhead of the penis, but also the inside of the leaf of the foreskin. Initially, the disease manifests itself by reducing the elasticity and the appearance of dryness in this zone. In the affected areas, the so-called connective tissue proliferates. Among the complications of lichen are the following:

  1. Phimosis (narrowing of the foreskin, which entails the inability to completely expose the head).
  2. Reduction of the urethral opening.
  3. The appearance of cracks in this area.

With sclerotrophic lichen, the head, as a rule, is diffusely affected. It gets white with a bluish tinge.

As the disease progresses, atrophy of the skin areas is observed, so-called telangiectasias appear on its surface. There are four stages in the development of the disease:

  • At the first stage, only the foreskin is affected.
  • Then, the pathological process spreads to the head.
  • The third stage involves the defeat of the entire sexual organ, the foreskin and the outer region of the urethra.
  • The last stage of the disease is also considered to be precancerous. All patients are assigned a full diagnostic examination to exclude the malignant nature of the disease.
    Institute of Dermatology

Lychen vulva

In women, the disease manifests itself in the formdiscomforting itching and the appearance of white spots in the vulva, anus. As a rule, the zone of defeat takes the form of the "eight". Then the pathological process gradually spreads to the vestibule of the vagina, the clitoris and labia.

Some patients experience erosion.Due to their gradual healing, tissue scarring with overgrowth of the labia minora is observed. Bacterial and fungal infections can complicate the course of the disease.

lychen vulva

Establishing diagnosis

When the appearance of primary symptoms is recommendedask for help in the profile center (for example, the Institute of Dermatology and Cosmetology in Moscow). On the consultation, a specialist can confirm the diagnosis on the basis of patient complaints and the study of clinical manifestations of the disease. In some cases, an additional biopsy of the affected tissue can be prescribed, followed by a study of the material under the microscope.

linear lehen

What should be the treatment?

Therapy can be prescribed only afteras a doctor confirms the diagnosis of sclerotrophic leuchen. Treatment should be comprehensive. It includes drugs for improving blood microcirculation ("Dipiridamol", "Retinol Acetate"), application ointments ("Solcoseryl", "Actovegin").

All patients without exception are prescribed a course of lymphotropic therapy with a subcutaneous injection into the region of the lid "Lidazy" with "Heparin".

The sclerotrophic lien of the penis is treatedmedication only in the early stages. The patients are prescribed general restorative therapy and antimalarial drugs ("Delagil", "Resorchin"). In the case of low effectiveness of conservative therapy, circumcision is indicated. With the spread of the pathological process on the urogenital canal, as a rule, surgery for the plasty of the penis is necessary.

To representatives of the fair sex, the affected tissues are excised, in addition, vulva and anal plastic may be required.

All patients are recommended adherence to a specialdiet and bed rest. It is desirable to isolate the patient for some time from healthy family members, since the etiology of the ailment has not been studied to date. Such measures are necessary in order to prevent possible contamination of third parties. It is not recommended to try to overcome the sclerosing lechen alone - this is quite dangerous. Pathology will actively progress, which entails the development of quite unpleasant consequences, including oncological nature.

sclerotrophic lychean treatment

Prophylaxis and prognosis

Skin diseases are easier to prevent thansubsequently engage in therapy. Prevention of ailment of this kind primarily implies the timely treatment of all autoimmune and infectious ailments. If symptoms are found, it is important to immediately seek help from a doctor, not to try to overcome the disease on your own. In addition, if possible, the inguinal zone should be protected from mechanical damage and injuries, irradiation. When playing sports, you must use protection.

The prognosis for lichen is usually uncertain. Due to the high risk of degeneration of the disease into squamous cell carcinoma should be regularly examined.

In conclusion, it should be noted again that skin diseases always require a qualified approach to treatment. Only a doctor can recommend appropriate pathology therapy.