/ / Contraceptives for women have become more accessible and more convenient to use!

Contraceptives for women have become more affordable and convenient to use!

The question of protection from sexually transmitted diseasesand unplanned pregnancy is an acute social problem in all countries. On contraception methods tell social advertising, fashion magazines, television. And yet, many do not know about the new "inventions" in this area.

When it comes to contraceptives for womenFirst of all, we mean preventionunwanted pregnancy. Despite the abundance of methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy, still half of the pregnancies are unplanned. This is due to the inaccessibility of protection (at a price, in the presence of something they are always, even at night in the pharmacies working around the clock) and the difficulty of their use.

Therefore, creating new contraceptives for womenmanufacturers took care of their ease of use, and also focused on the needs of modern women. After all, situations are different and different means are suitable for each. For example, there are already enough children in your family and you no longer plan to “have” a child. Suitable long-term measures. Or: you became parents not so long ago and you want to wait about five years before you think about your next child. Perhaps you are alone and need, above all, protection from sexually transmitted diseases. For each case, the gynecologist will be able to choose for you the appropriate method of protection.

So, what female contraceptives today are available and easy to use?

Reliability proven by time.

The most reliable are still considered:from unwanted pregnancy - oral contraceptives, from HIV infections - condoms. And those and others have become more reliable and are now able to guarantee 100% protection.

To protect against sexually transmitted diseases,casual sexual intercourse condoms are indispensable! Although they are not quite comfortable and are not secure enough. To replace them, the manufacturers offered diaphragms and caps. However, they can move, only the gynecologist will help you choose the right size to secure the contraceptive. Also appeared on the market more dense than latex, polyurethane condoms.

As for hormonal pills:they are also not suitable for all women. And it’s no longer a matter of fear of getting fat from them or covering up with a rash: manufacturers took care of this and among the 5 hundred varieties you can choose the right ones. Most of them have a positive effect on the body as a whole: they protect against genital cancer, restore skin health, and reduce hair growth in unwanted places, normalize the cycle. Low-dose hormonal contraceptives - a vivid example of innovation in the field of contraceptive pills (the drug "Silest", "Jeanine"). They contain small doses of artificial hormones (the most appropriate natural), but their effectiveness does not decrease.

The problem is constant passesdaily pill. With the modern rhythm of life, the activity of women is difficult to constantly take hormone pills at the same time. And at the admission of 3 receptions their efficiency decreases to zero. In addition, taking oral contraceptives must be interrupted, during this period many women become pregnant.

Another disadvantage of birth control pillsis still in numerous contraindications: some can not be taken with hypertension, varicose veins, others with diabetes, with overweight and so on ... Fortunately, there are other reliable contraceptives for women.

Среди давно известных и надёжных методов медики also called intrauterine mechanical devices (IUD), i.e. spiral. It is introduced into the uterus for 3-5 years. After that, the spiral must be removed. All procedures should be carried out by a doctor! Not everyone can use this method: women who have given birth are married to the procedure. The absence of diseases of the genital organs is imperative. Be sure to opt for the modern IUD, which are devoid of most side effects.

Long-term innovative methods

For long-term protection, a kind of "implant" has been developed recently. The drug is injected under the skin with a syringe. It protects against unwanted pregnancy for 5 years.

To replace contraceptive

In pharmacies, a contraceptive patch also appeared.It must be glued to the abdomen, shoulder blades, shoulder, or buttocks once a week. This method, although it is new, has managed to prove its effectiveness: no less than that of hormonal pills.

The releasing system or ring is also new.contraception from unwanted pregnancy. It can be entered into the vagina independently and leave for a month. Inside the ring will release hormones, and prevent the maturation of the egg. The effect of hormones on a woman’s body will be minimal, unlike birth control pills.

Modern contraceptives for women are created withtaking into account current needs and the most convenient to use. You only need to opt for one of them and be sure to consult with your doctor.