/ / Modern means of protection against unwanted pregnancy - birth control pills Jess, reviews and opinions

Modern means of protection from unwanted pregnancy - contraceptive pills jess, reviews and opinions

Junk problemspregnancy, can overtake a woman at any age. There may be plenty of reasons for not wanting to get pregnant and carry a child. This age (early or vice versa, too late), and possible illness, and family relationships. Even the recent too difficult childbirth can cause a woman to refuse to become pregnant in the future at all. In short, if there is at least one of the listed reasons, and there is also some other one, you should think about reliable protection.

Today, the choice of contraceptives is so great thatcan be confused. Each option in something attractive. Of course, choosing a contraceptive, women first of all want to know the opinion of those who already have an idea about a particular tool. For example, Jess pills are popular among the female population of childbearing age. Feedback on this drug is positive. Everyone who took this contraceptive focuses on the fact that no side effects were seen from the pills, there were no negative sensations, and there were no visual changes in the structure of the body and the condition of the skin.

At the same time, reviews and opinions of others believe onall one hundred percent is not worth it. Of course, until you check it yourself, you will not be convinced. Sometimes, even after consulting with a gynecologist, a woman cannot decide on the choice of contraceptive. On the other hand, it should be noted that modern drugs provide almost 100% guarantee that an unwanted pregnancy will not turn the world of a woman upside down unexpectedly for herself.

Choose for each woman a means of protectionmust be done individually, as well as after the obligatory consultation of the gynecologist, the delivery and receipt of the results of all necessary tests. Only in this way can you make the right choice and be calm. True, it happens in a different way: a woman regularly takes, for example, the “Jess” birth control pills, and they are quite satisfied with it, and the doctor attributes a completely different contraceptive and claims that the previous remedy is not quite right. Here, the woman has two choices: either listen to the advice of the doctor and fully trust him, or find out the opinions of specialists from other clinics and LCDs.

Recognized as one of the most beloved by women.oral contraceptives. Not only women taking pills, consider them the most reliable means compared to other alternatives. Doctors are also convinced that oral contraceptives, even in some cases, bring benefits to the female body and treat it. For example, women who have taken Jess birth control pills for several months in a row, the reviews are very eloquent and positive on the Internet forums. Judging by the number of these reviews, it is worth listening to the opinions. But at the same time, far from all the representatives of the weaker sex without fear and fear are protected with the help of tablets. Strange, but most women formed the opinion that among the contraceptive pills it would not be possible to find those who would in no way affect the shape, skin condition, appearance, and also did not induce the appearance of unwanted vegetation on the body in places where there is no a place. In fact, modern drugs contain very small doses of hormones - estrogen and progestin. And it says that you can be calm and for the figure, and for the skin, and for everything else.

Notable contraceptive pills"Jess", the reviews are pretty positive. According to the manufacturers and developers of these contraceptives - this pill is one of the most modern. They will not entail unpleasant feelings after the start of the reception, in no way will change neither the external nor the internal world of the woman. Of course, there may be exceptions. But side effects are observed very rarely and only at the beginning of the reception, while the body gets used. Generally tablets "Jess" received positive feedback from practitioners. Many women, for example, suffering from pain during menstruation, having all sorts of rashes during the period of critical days, suffering from too oily skin, after taking the drug markedly changed the state for the better. Birth control pills "Jess" can normalize the menstrual cycle, as well as help in the treatment of certain gynecological diseases.

But before you decide to take pills"Jess", reviews of which we discussed, still need to pay attention to the fact that oral contraceptives can not be taken to those who have problems with the heart, liver, blood vessels, suffer from diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and obesity.