/ / Contraceptives of the latest generation

Contraceptives of the latest generation

For today, pregnancy is most often a surprise for most couples. It is not always a pleasant surprise, because every year fewer partners are involved in family planning.

contraceptives of the latest generation
Избавление от нежелательной беременности влечет a series of psychological disorders (depressions, unreasonable fears) and physical complications (inflammation, infection, infertility). It remains to be wondered why in our time, when the contraceptives of the latest generation available, there are still cases of unwanted pregnancy and abortions are practiced.

"Grandmother's" methods of contraception

The least reliable among all methodscontraception are the so-called "grandmother's" methods: interrupted sexual intercourse, counting of safe days, douching. The reliability of these methods ranges from 15 to 50%, but they absolutely do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. A condom as a form of contraception does not need advertising. It is still one of the most reliable means of protection against infectious diseases. None of the latest generation of contraceptives on this have such a degree of reliability. But from an unwanted pregnancy, he can save only 65%. Therefore, before use, it is necessary to check the expiration date and the integrity of the package.

Contraceptives of the latest generation

new contraceptives

To date, there are many new reliable and affordable means of protection from unwanted pregnancy.

  • Diaphragm - this cap, which is installed on the neckthe uterus, blocking the way to sperm. It consists of a dense rim and a rubber band stretched over it. This "design" is reliable by 80%, the remaining 20% ​​depend on the correctness of the choice of the size of the diaphragm, its installation and fixing. The main disadvantages of this method are insecurity from sexually transmitted diseases and the emergence of cervical erosion.
  • Intrauterine spirals (IUD) - this relatively new contraceptives for women.They occupy one of the first places (85% reliability) among women living with one partner. Their principle of action is to neutralize spermatozoa with the help of copper, which is part of the spiral. Hormonal spirals (with the content of the hormone levonorgestrel) have a higher degree of protection (95%). But at a price they are several times more expensive than copper spirals. The minuses of the Navy are insecurity from sexually transmitted diseases, painful periods and the possibility of infectious diseases due to the slightly open uterus.
  • Chemical Contraception - it's gels, candles, creams, tampons and otherfacilities. The advantages of these methods are protection from infectious diseases. Cons - this is a negative effect on the microflora with prolonged use, loss of all abilities to protect from contact with soap, the degree of reliability is 80%.
  • Hormonal Contraception - pills and injections.At one time they became a revolution in pharmacology. The degree of reliability of this method is 97%. The principle of action is the absence of ovulation: the egg does not ripen and does not come out of the ovary. The key to high reliability is the correctness and systematic use of drugs. The disadvantages of this type of contraception are weight gain, irritability, headaches, nausea.
    new contraceptives for women

Newest contraceptives

Relatively new, but already provenmethod of contraception is the ring "NovaRing". The reliability of this method is 99%, the installation of the ring does not require the intervention of a medical officer, it is established once for 21 days. Recently, the list of "Contraceptives of the latest generation" has been replenished with a method such as a hormonal patch. This method is the most reliable among the existing ones (99.5%), it has no side effects and is very simple to use. The hormonal patch is attached to the body for 7 days, then it changes to a new one. Every 22 days it is necessary to take a break not more than a week. In order not to get lost in the proposed types of contraception and choose the most suitable and reliable for yourself, you need to consult a doctor.