/ / "Stoptussin": instructions for use

Stoptopsin: instructions for use

Medicinal product "Stoptussin", instructionon the application of which is always explained by a doctor, is prescribed in the case of various acute respiratory diseases in children and adults. It is taken as an antitussive and expectorant, with tuberculosis and pneumoconiosis, suppresses coughing attacks with pharyngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, laryngitis and other inflammatory diseases.

The medicine is available in tablets, drops, as a syrup. The dose of the drug is related to the body weight of the patient.

Medicinal preparation "Stoptussin" (tablets). Instructions for use:
Children and adolescents per day should takehalf a tablet 4 times, people with a mass of 50-70 kg - 3 times a tablet. If the body weight of the patient is about 90 kg, the daily dose is one and a half tablets three times, and an adult weighing more than 90 kg should take one and a half tablets 4 times. In this case, the drug "Stoptussin" instruction for use recommends taking every 6 hours, washed down with tea, water or juice. Preferably, after eating; swallow the tablet without chewing.

Если же препарат выпущен в каплях, то дети take it on 8 drops - 14 drops three times a day, depending on the body weight. An adult patient, for whom the amount of medication taken is also correlated with body weight, according to the instructions, can take 3 times 25 to 40 drops per day. The appropriate number of drops are diluted with water, fruit juice or tea to 100 ml and drink after eating. With a sufficient amount of fluid from the treatment get a greater effect.

The medicine "Stoptussin phyto syrup", containing inits basis extracts of herb plantain, thyme and thyme, can be given to children, starting with one year. Its sweetish taste is pleasant to kids and brings relief, and treatment passes with pleasure. It should be used after eating one meal or a teaspoon three times a day (depending on the weight of the patient), washed down with fruit juice, tea or water. If the cough does not stop, but on the contrary, intensifies, the treatment should be stopped and shown to the doctor.

Patients with diabetes mellitus, pregnant womenor very small children under one year can not use the drug "Stoptussin." The instruction on the use of the medicinal product warns about this. Those who suffer from intolerance to herbs and other components of this medicine should also be especially cautious in their treatment. Even if the dosage is observed, they may exhibit side effects of the drug. Some patients who take the medicine may have nausea, diarrhea, headache, vomiting, dizziness, loss of appetite, which immediately go away after lowering the dose.

Those who take the drug "Stoptussin",The instructions for use strictly prohibit the use of alcohol. This drug should not be used by patients who have a persistent cough, which is associated with smoking, chronic bronchitis or emphysema. Care should be given to the drug patients with tuberculosis, pneumoconiosis. Phytosyrop "Stoptussin" is not recommended for people with congenital intolerance to fructose.

Drug taken in largedoses, can affect the reaction rate when driving a vehicle or other mechanisms, and also affect the performance of activities requiring increased attention, concentration and speed of response.

При передозировке появляются признаки toxic poisoning: weakness in muscles, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, etc. At the same time, it is urgent to rinse the stomach, take activated charcoal and organize a symptomatic therapy in the medical institution aimed at maintaining the heart, kidneys, lungs.

Keep medicinal product out of reach of children, dark and dry at a temperature of 25 degrees. Drops should not be frozen, and the syrup should be kept open for more than 4 months.