/ / Stoptussin Drops - a universal remedy against coughing

Stopoutsin drops - a universal remedy against coughing

Nothing in our lives is more important than health.And for this reason, even with minor ailments, it is worthwhile to seek help from professionals - doctors. Even such an undesirable phenomenon as a cough requires the intervention of medical specialists to prevent the further development of the disease.

This article is dedicated to an effective drug that for many years deserved positive feedback from patients - Stoptussin.

Let's consider in more detail, what is this drug

Physico-chemical characteristics:

the liquid is transparent viscous, tastes slightly tart and sweet, color from yellow to yellow-brown.

Composition and form of release:

It is produced in bottles of dark glass with a dropper of polyethylene in the form of drops for internal use of 10,25,50 ml.

1 ml of Stoptussin contains:

  • Butambarate dihydrogen citrate 4 mg.
  • Guaifenesin 100 mg.

Components of the drug:

  • Ethanol is 96%.
  • Liquid extract of the lecorite.
  • Purified water.
  • Polysorbate 80.
  • Propylene glycol.
  • Aromatizer of alpine flowers 740025 N.

Pharmacological action of the drug:

Stopoutsin (drops) is a combined preparation,shows expectorant, mucolytic and antitussive effect. This drug is well absorbed by the body and within 7-11 hours, almost everything goes through the kidneys and intestines. Due to butamirate antitussive action occurs, at the cough level in the medulla oblongata, it suppresses the cough reflex. Based on code, it does not restrict the respiratory center, and therefore it can be used for children up to 2 years. With the help of Guineesin sputum is split, which eventually leaves their bronchial tree.

Indication for use:

Treatment of dry, debilitating, paroxysmal cough with inflammatory and infectious diseases of the respiratory tract.

Stopoutsin drops, used in the treatment of:

  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Laryngitis;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Tharyngitis;
  • Whooping cough;
  • Tracheitis;
  • Pneumoconiosis.
  • Pregnancy during the first trimester.
  • Myasthenia gravis.
  • It can not be taken during lactation.
  • With increased sensitivity to the components of the drug Stoptopsin.
  • Children up to 6 months.
  • During lactation.

Contraindication of the drug.

Side effect, overdose:

If you apply Stoptussin Drops correctly andto observe the dosage, the drug is well tolerated. Only about 1% of people have symptoms such as skin rashes, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain, headache, hives, drowsiness, nausea.

Usage and recommended doses:

Depending on the weight of a person, the dosage of drops is different:

- with a weight of up to 7kg- (7 drops) per day 3-4 times;

- with weight from 7kg to 12kg- (8 drops) per day 3-4 times;

- at weight from 12kg to 20kg- (13 drops) per day 3 times;

- at a weight of 20kg to 30kg- (14 drops) per day 3-4 times;

- at weight from 30kg to 40kg- (15 drops) per day 3-4 times;

- at weight from 40kg to 50kg- (24 drops) per day 3 times;

- at weight from 50kg to 70kg- (31 drops) per day 3 times;

- with a weight of 70kg- (40 drops) per day 3 times.

Stoptussin drops are used after meals. The drug should not have an interval of less than 6-8 hours. Drops should be taken in 100ml of any liquid (tea, juice, water).

Term and conditions storage:

Store the drug at a temperature of 10 ° C to 25 ° C in a dry, dark place inaccessible to children. Shelf life of the drug is up to 5 years. After the expiry date - the drug should not be taken!

Stoptussin (drops), reviews about which practicallyalways positive, should be taken only after their appointment by a doctor. Opinion of people about this drug can be found on the Internet, as well as get full information from pharmacists. Stopoutsin for children, the instruction of which is contained in the drug insert, has received wide application both in Russia and in other countries. This drug is called Stoptussin-phyto (syrup), it is released in bottles of dark glass with a measuring spoon or a measuring cap.