/ / Daily protein norm and its benefits for the organism as a whole.

Daily protein norm and its benefits for the body as a whole

In order to receive the necessary bodythe amount of food and do not overeat, you must first know about the absorption of protein, as well as the rate of its daily intake. This will avoid gaining excess weight. However, it is impossible to completely exclude protein from your diet. After all, it cannot be synthesized by the body independently from other elements.

Daily intake of protein, both animal andvegetable, varies depending on many parameters. For example, from the age of a single person, his gender, health and immunity, the magnitude of regular loads. If you are sick, then this rate should be shifted in a big way. A profession associated with the need for physical exertion, requires additional amounts of protein for the proper functioning of all organs and systems. Otherwise, the lack of this element provokes a lot of diseases, including chronic fatigue, weakness, poor resistance to diseases.

For women, the daily intake of protein isapproximately 75-95 grams. For the stronger sex, this indicator is higher, as a man, by definition, does more physical work, as well as larger. He needs to eat every day from 90 to 110 grams of protein.

If you decide to stick to a specific dietwith limited nutrition, then it must be remembered that with a lack of vitamins and certain trace elements (for example, mineral salts), certain substances may not be fully absorbed. And proteins belong to such a “capricious” category. Their level in the body is influenced by various serious diseases. Especially strongly influenced by malignant tumors.

The calorie intake rate is also individual foreach person. Therefore, the diet that is ideally suited to one, may not help another. In addition, the program for losing weight must be coordinated with a medical officer. It is he who will reveal the "weak" places of your body and independently calculate both the diet and the daily consumption rate of all the elements separately. Irrational choice of diet threatens to cause harm to health.

The protein contains nitrogen.Ideally, the body of a healthy adult, not suffering from any ailments, completely assimilates it without a trace. However, if the daily protein norm is violated, then this equilibrium changes in the appropriate direction. Lack of nitrogen threatens at least a sharp loss in weight and a gradual depletion of the body. After all, all the protein, as well as fats and carbohydrates from food, he will spend on restoring balance.

Грамотно определенная суточная норма белка able to return the losses suffered by the body as a result of nitrogen starvation, within 40-50 days. However, the long absence of the required amount of this element can cause irreversible damage. And to eliminate them is no longer possible. That is why hard diets, which have become so fashionable recently, often lead to exhaustion, anorexia and death.

It should also be remembered that the amount of proteinconsumed by a person for one day, it is necessary to increase if we are talking about a pregnant woman. In this situation, this element becomes practically vital for the proper development of the fetus. It is especially important to eat animal proteins. Therefore, vegetarianism is strictly contraindicated for women in position. In addition, it can also harm young children, whose body is in the stage of active growth. For them, the daily rate of protein is calculated as 2.5-3 grams per 1 kg of weight.

The sources of this valuable substance are veryvaried. Therefore, it is impossible to eat only meat or a few herbal products and think that by doing so you fully meet the body's need for protein. Try to diversify your daily diet by including small portions of vegetables, fruits, and oils.