/ / Products with high protein content

Foods that are high in protein

Products with high protein content should bean integral part of our diet. Proteins are the basis of our body. They are part of the muscle tissue, act as many enzymes, as well as hormones. One of the most important proteins is hemoglobin, which is necessary for the transfer of oxygen and carbon dioxide of the blood. Even our hair and nails consist of a certain protein. Proceeding from all this, it can be concluded that foods with high protein content are simply necessary for us.

The data given are rather superficialreflect the role of proteins in the body, since their functions and significance are much more diverse. Life without them is impossible. In addition, high-protein nutrition has found application in sports, especially among bodybuilders. Such food is necessary for building muscle mass. This is due to the fact that the muscles are built mainly due to actin and myosin, proteins that provide a reduction.

Do not think that products with largeprotein content contains only proteins. In fact, this kind of food is full, as in such food there are fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and mineral elements. Now let us examine in more detail what kind of food with a high protein content exists.

The most traditional meal in this regard is by rightis considered meat. The most complete proteins can be found in beef. Veal has the same properties, which is more gentle and easier to digest. Thus, in veal of the first and second category contains up to 20% protein. A little less protein contains pork, especially its fatty grades, in which the fat content reaches 50%. Mutton - even harder meat than beef, but the protein in it is about the same amount. However, the content of mineral elements is lower than in meat of other animals. Konin contains up to 21% of proteins, and is not inferior in content to beef minerals. An excellent choice will be rabbit, which is almost a quarter of the protein and is rich in B group vitamins and beneficial microelements. Preferred for the body are also chicken proteins, containing all essential amino acids, which, among other things, are easily digested.

К категории «продукты с большим содержанием protein "can be attributed to fish, which is a source of very high quality protein. It is fish meat that contains in sufficient quantities such an essential amino acid as methionine. In addition, the fish has only a small amount of connective tissue, the presence of which is considered a deficiency of animal meat. Also, fish is easier to digest in the gastrointestinal tract, so the absorption of proteins of this source is higher. The protein content depends on the particular fish species and varies widely, for example, in tuna it is 24%, while in cod it is 15%. And this is not the only benefit of fish meat: it contains many vitamins and minerals.

Eggs are very useful for protein.For example, a chicken egg contains the optimal combination of substances necessary for a person, including proteins. The protein and yolk have an unequal content of nutrients. In the protein there are substances that, without preliminary heat treatment, are not easily digested. But the yolk is a concentrate of useful compounds and elements.

On this, products with high protein content are notend. To them, you can add a lot of cereals, which, depending on the species contain from 10 to 20% of this substance. This is buckwheat, rice, and other crops. They are valuable not only as a source of digestible protein, but also as stimulators of qualitative digestion. A sufficient amount of protein contains some fruits and vegetables, which do not suffer from a deficiency of vitamins.