/ / Main dental diseases and their description

Basic dental diseases and their description

Modern dentists study the structure of the teeth,methods of their treatment. In their competence and deliverance of mankind from the ills of the oral cavity. Disease prevention - under the auspices of therapists. Narrow specialization allows the patient to provide a better service. And the talk in our article will deal with such a phenomenon as dental diseases. We will also consider the most common ailments of the oral cavity, their symptoms and preventive measures.

dental diseases

The most common dental diseases

Hard tissues are subject to ailments caused bydefects of the coronal part. They may differ in character and volume. The degree of severity will depend on the duration of the inflammatory process, and on whether the intervention of the specialist was performed in a timely manner. What are the most common dental diseases found in the practice of dentistry?

  • Caries.
  • Hyperesthesia.
  • Pathology of erasing dental units.
  • Wedge-shaped defect.
    dental cavity diseases

What symptoms should alert the person

Not all diseases signal pain about theirprogression. Experts warn the population that the bleeding of mucous membranes should alert the person. If it is not caused by mechanical damage to the tissue, then it is necessary to consult a doctor. He will establish the cause and prescribe treatment.

The sensitivity of the teeth to temperature changes, the reaction to sweet or sour indicates the existence of a problem. In such cases, postponing a visit to the dentist is extremely unwise.

The formation of ulcers on the mucous membranesoral cavity suggests that health is at risk. Timely appeal to a specialist will solve the problem without wasting time, nerves and material means.


Данному заболеванию характерно повышение sensitivity of hard tissue. Most often it is expressed in pain that quickly passes. They are provoked by such irritants as temperature drops, contact with sour or sweet.

The causes of the disease areconsequences of caries, increased abrasion of bone tissue, wedge-shaped defect, erosion. Enamel prism becomes permeable. Irritants affect the pulp, making the tooth sensitive. Treatment prescribed after establishing the cause of this disease

dental disease symptoms

Dental diseases: caries

This is the most common ailment in the field of dentistry. Sooner or later it affects almost every person. What you need to know about the disease?

Regardless of where the tooth is damaged, everythingvarieties of caries are 4 stages of development. In our medicine, it is customary to distinguish this type of illness depending on the degree of deepening of the destructive process in the tissue.

one.The appearance of white chalk strips or spots is the first stage of the development of the disease. It is the easiest to treat. Diagnose the disease by the presence of spots on the enamel. There is a pain response to sour and sweet stimuli, and to a temperature drop. Discomfort quickly disappears when contact with them ceases.

2. Median caries is characterized by dentin damage. This is a deeper layer of the dental unit. A cavity is visualized on the surface. Pain can be removed most often by taking analgesics.

3. Dentitis near pulpal - the lesion is moving inland. Pain becomes tangible. The transition of the disease to the fourth stage can be rapid.

4. Pulpitis is already a deep stage. Affected pulp, which is penetrated by nerve endings and blood vessels.

And these are far from the worst dental diseases, the photos of which are presented below.

dental caries diseases

Wedge-shaped defect

What it is?The disease is caused by the formation of a cavity in the neck of the tooth. The defect is wedge-shaped. Ailment is visualized in the form of a step on the enamel. The affected unit is prone to chipping. Sometimes the entire coronal part is destroyed. The most common cause of occurrence is poor oral hygiene or, conversely, excessive mechanical action of the brush and toothpaste. Diseases of this kind are treated only at the initial stage of their occurrence. Dentists prescribe the procedure of remireralization. In advanced cases, the affected part is removed and the unit is covered with a crown or veneer.

Pathology of abrasion of solid tissues

Disease non-carious etiology.Over time, the patient noted a significant decrease in dental unit, due to rapid erasability. This disease leads to early loss of hard tissue. In most cases, pathology is diagnosed on all teeth. In this regard, pointed areas appear at their edges. Accordingly, they injure the lips and mucous membranes in the mouth. With this disease it is very important to carry out treatment in a timely manner. Otherwise, the patient faces the shortening of dental units and the occurrence of defects in the lower facial area.

The manifestation of the disease can be provokedoverload, when not all units are present in the maxillary arch. Also, experts call such reasons as an incorrect bite, a defect in the prosthesis, the softness of bone tissue. Such dental diseases are treated by stabilizing the process and preventing their progress. Tabs and crowns are great for this purpose.

toothpaste disease

The most common diseases of the gums and mouth

The body always signals a malfunction of an organ. To begin, let's talk about which diseases of the dental cavity are most often found in dental practice.

Most often, patients suffer from mild inflammation.tissues. The initial stage of gum damage is called gingivitis. Due to the progression of the disease and the failure to provide timely medical assistance, the ailment turns into a new form. It is called periodontitis. And the final stage in this chain is periodontal disease. Below we will talk briefly about these ailments and the features of their course.

To frequent diseases of the oral cavity alsoinclude candidiasis. This is a fungal infection of tissues. The disease is expressed as the appearance of white bloom (stains), ulcers, vesicles in the area of ​​the tongue, palate, gums, internal parts of the cheeks. If you find such lesions, you should immediately contact your doctor for help.


Only a small number of people do not suffer from this.disease (about 3%). The inflammatory process on the gum is manifested in the form of its swelling, redness. Appear discomfort. The gums become vulnerable, bleed when mechanically exposed to them.

The cause of the disease is often insufficient oral hygiene. The microbes that remain between the teeth quickly infect the gum tissue.

Treatment at the initial stage requires some effort. However, most often it gives the proper result. Therefore, it is extremely important not to start the disease, and when the first symptoms appear, rush to the doctor.


Это воспалительный процесс, охватывающий мягкие tissues surrounding the tooth, as well as ligaments and bone tissue. Unlike gingivitis, this disease is characterized by the defeat of the deeper layers. The process of blood supply is also disturbed. Tissue degeneration is often observed. Modern medicine can cope with the disease at its initial stage. But treatment requires some effort and patience.

And this is not the worst dental disease.Symptoms of the disease are expressed in the spread of the center of inflammation, the omission of the edge of the gums, bleeding, discomfort and smell. They are difficult not to notice, so most patients seek help at this stage of the disease.

dental diseases periodontal disease

Dental diseases: periodontal disease

This ailment is non-inflammatory.During its progression, the bone tissue surrounding the tooth is absorbed. This leads to the mobility of units of the maxillary arch. The disease is dangerous because it proceeds initially with almost no symptoms. Bleeding gums disappears, there is no pain. The main alarm is the occurrence of an increased response to stimuli in the neck of the tooth. This mainly occurs during meals.

What are the causes of the disease?It all starts with the formation of plaque, which leads to inflammatory processes of soft tissues. In this case, there are a number of additional factors that give impetus to the development of periodontal disease. Dentists list the following reasons:

1. Changes in hormonal levels.

2. Chronic diseases.

3. Diabetes.

4. Immunodeficiency.

5. Oncological diseases.

6. Acceptance of certain medications.

7. Bad habits, etc.

Заболевание может долго проходить в вялотекущем mode, without causing much trouble to the patient. But then it progresses rapidly: the teeth are loosened and may even fall out. At this stage it is almost impossible to cure a medical illness. Doctors provide comprehensive care. The patient is prescribed and receive drugs, and professional hygienic procedures, and splinting of mobile units.

prevention of dental diseases


Undoubtedly, if this moment our populationpaid due attention, we would have much less occur dental diseases. And then we would not have to waste our time, nerves and money to get rid of them. At all times, doctors warned that the disease is easier to prevent. Therefore, in conclusion, I would like to draw your attention to a few simple recommendations. Preventing dental diseases does not take you much time.

It is enough to pay due attention to hygiene.oral cavity, monitor your diet and get rid of bad habits. And there is nothing burdensome in going to the dentist for a routine inspection. Since the disease can manifest itself within six months, then it is enough to visit the doctor twice a year.