/ / Prunes: caloric content and benefits

Prunes: calorie and benefits

At present, it is prunethe favorite delicacy of people all over the world. And this phenomenon is by no means accidental. For a long time prunes are used for medicinal purposes. So, even in ancient times it was used in the treatment of diseases such as rheumatism, gout, kidney disease, and prunes were also actively used to remove water and salts from the human body. The composition of prunes include fiber and sugary substances, and they, in turn, act as a natural laxative and thereby improve the work of the intestines. But do not forget that this effect should also be expected from compote from this dried fruit. And besides, many people are afraid that prunes, calories, which they consume with it, are far from what is needed.

Now, when many are preoccupied with their figure, withthe use of this product in food people are wondering, and how many kcal in prunes? And such an interest is quite understandable. To date, very many closely monitor their diet, which is why it is so important for them to know what they eat and what is the caloric content of a particular product. So, the prunes, the caloric content of which is not much, not a little, 231 kcal per 100 grams, is useful and tasty. Let's see why.

It's no secret that prunes containall kinds of minerals, vitamins, proteins, dietary fiber, carbohydrates. And absolutely no importance is the fact that a prune, the calorie content of which is high enough, can affect your figure. After all, it is also very rich in carotene, calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, chromium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, iodine, fluorine and manganese, as well as B, C, E, PP vitamins. So, for example, the vitamins of group P, which are part of the prunes, help to significantly reduce the level of blood pressure and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. The presence of potassium helps to maintain the heart, and also improves the work of muscles, the separation of bile; including this element is responsible for the functioning of the kidneys. Thus, all these nutrients and elements make prunes extremely useful in the treatment of diseases of the intestines, liver, heart and, of course, the kidneys.

It is also believed that prunes should beuse in the presence of diseases such as beriberi, anemia, because it is characterized by the presence of antibacterial properties, and this leads to the purification of the human body. The content of antioxidants rejuvenates the whole organism. When treating kidney and liver diseases, as well as with various infectious lesions of the body and in the postoperative period, it is recommended to regularly use compote from lemon and prunes.

Some people arechoosing prunes. However, there is only one rule: if you buy prunes in a supermarket or in a market, you should pay attention to its color. Quality prunes should shine, and if you notice at least a slight raid of gray or light white color, then know that this product is already spoiled.

Modern culinary prunes began to addin all kinds of salads, it is also used as a seasoning for meat, from these fruits prepare mousses and kissels. However, those who follow their weight and shape, it should be remembered that the prunes, the calorie content of which is 231 kcal per 100 grams, with unprecedented ease can disrupt your diet. So, if you decide to pamper yourself with this delicious dried fruit, then be prepared for the fact that tomorrow you will have to give up the sweet. After all, although this product is very useful for your body, but do not forget that the prunes calorie content is high enough, and therefore can bring a few extra pounds.