/ / Lump in the throat - causes

A lump in the throat is the cause

Many people complain of pain or discomfort whenswallowing. This condition, when there is a lump in the throat when swallowing, may be due to the emotional state. This is due to the tension of the small muscles of the throat, which occurs with a strong wave, depressive or stressful person. With this reduction, a signal comes to the brain that there is something foreign in the throat and a person experiences unpleasant sensations, but they quickly pass. This phenomenon is called "lump syndrome" or "hysterical lump".

When there is a lump in the throat, the causes can beand not so harmless. Formation in the throat can occur with thyroid disease or during the administration of medications that have similar side effects. The same trouble can occur with colds. In addition, excess weight can also affect the lump in the throat, the causes of this phenomenon may be associated with improper digestion. In these cases, doctors recommend not to eat at night.

The lump in the throat is accompanied by a pressing, densea feeling that does not give the chance to swallow saliva. In the throat, there may be such discomfort as burning, tickling, choking, or choking. Some people have painful sensations in the neck and occiput, numbness in the legs and hands, with eructation, the pressure moves to the chest area.

Lump in the throat - causes:

- Excitement, stress, depression. The "hysterical lump" in the throat disappears after a while on its own.

- Diseases of the stomach and intestines.Gastroesophageal reflux disease, in which the gastric juice that enters the esophagus irritates the pharynx, causing heartburn and eructation, also causes a coma in the goal. This disease is a kind of gastritis, which leads to liver disease, pancreas and gallbladder, impaired metabolic processes and food allergies. In this case, doctors prescribe treatment, consisting of dietary intake and taking medications.

- disturbed functions of the thyroid gland, whicharise with a lack of iodine, an excess of thyroid hormones, with inflammation of the gland. In these cases, medication is prescribed, the level of iodine is stabilized.

- Viral pharyngitis. Come can be felt with angina caused by streptococcus. Doctors prescribe antibiotics, rinses and compresses.

osteochondrosis in the cervical region.This disease develops when sleep and metabolic processes of the body are disturbed, in the presence of bad habits, as well as in a sedentary lifestyle. Treatment of osteochondrosis is carried out with the help of vacuum and manual therapy, electrostimulation, laser and acupuncture therapy.

- вегето-сосудистая дистония, которая осложнена ulcer, hypertension, ischemic disease and asthma. The patient is accompanied by numbness of the tongue, dry mouth and activation of breathing, which is dangerous for choking. Treatment is carried out in a complex, a healthy diet is prescribed, physical exertion and emotional stress are limited.

- Throat cancer, accompanied by a dry cough, hoarse voice and other symptoms. Surgical intervention is required.

A lump in the throat, the causes of which are revealedgastroenterologist, is a disease of the esophagus or pharynx, but can also be mixed. When there is a lump in the throat, the symptoms can be characteristic of each specific situation and the treatment is prescribed purely individual. It can be a variety of trainings and psychotherapy, ENT - procedures, treatment of the gastrointestinal tract. The main thing is to call the doctor in time to prevent the development of chronic disease and its progression.