/ / Lazy gut: exercise treatment

Lazy gut: treatment with exercise

Считается, что огромное количество заболеваний have as their symptoms constipation and painful condition of the intestine. People say: clean intestines - the key to excellent health. Therefore, any treatment must begin with his cleansing.

Lazy bowels treatment and causes

A lazy bowel appears, the treatment of which cannot be delayed, for various reasons:

  1. Poor circulation in the pelvis and abdomen. This is especially true of those who work sitting and move a little;
  2. Eating convenience foods;
  3. Continuous use of tea or coffee after meals.Such a habit also does not contribute to the proper functioning of the intestines and digestive tract. After all, at first we load the body with food, thereby forcing it to produce enzymes and juices in the required quantities, and then we dilute them with the liquid we drink. If you want to drink, then do it half an hour before or after an hour. Then your digestive tract will work much more efficiently.

Incorrect nutrition also leads to constipation and weakening of the internal energy of the intestines:

- eating meat instead of vegetables, fruits and greens;

- refined food.

If you want to adjust the work of the intestines, pay attention to what you eat.

Sometimes constipation accompanies a lazy stomach, which can also be treated with the help of special exercises.

It also harms intestinal functionspecial suppression of the urge to defecate, too late to rise, haste in the morning, changing the mode of life. Scientists have found that how often our intestines are released is completely subordinate to the control of the brain.

The swollen belly presses heavily on the diaphragm, andIt means that all the organs of the chest, interfering with the normal work of the heart and lungs. Therefore, if the lazy intestine is concerned, its treatment should begin with the restoration of peristalsis. Special exercises and procedures help in this very well.

We remove the problem exercises

If the patient has a lazy bowel, treatment can begin with moderate muscle tension. It remarkably stimulates all the main functions of the digestive tract.

Another reliable and fairly fast acting remedy is a belly massage. And you can do it at any time. But it is better either immediately after waking up, or before going to bed. Massage option:

Start by rubbing the abdomen in the arearectum and large intestine. Start at the bottom left, gradually moving to the right and up. Massage movements are best done with a clockwise motion at least 10-15 times. If during the massage you find an area that hurts more than all the others, rub it until the pain disappears completely.

It is possible that after such a massage, the person will feel the desire to empty his bowels.

You can try this kind of gymnastics:pull your knees up to your chest, clasp them with your hands. Try to reach your forehead with your knees, stay in this position for a while. Now relax, lower your legs, take a deep breath, lying in the star position.

Stand on elbows and knees. Now take turns lifting one leg, then the other as high as you can. Repeat the exercise 7 times for each leg.

Wrap a wet, but at the same time a very good right hand pressed with a rag. Move your hand along the stomach from the right side upwards. This exercise must be repeated at least five times.

The same can be done on the left side of the abdomen, wrapping a rag around your left hand. Such procedures are best done 3-4 times each time. You should not use a laxative.

Еще одно замечательное упражнение:without getting out of bed, raise and lower your upper body. It is not allowed to use hands. Repeat this exercise at a slow pace for about 25 times, and then slowly sit down.

Exercise is an ideal helper for many different ailments. For example, if a lazy eye is diagnosed, treating it also involves special exercises.