Если вас беспокоят судороги в ногах, лечение it is necessary to start after passing a full medical examination and passing the appropriate tests. In the case of determining the deficit of certain trace elements, a specialist is assigned a special diet and a number of medications (if necessary) to eliminate this problem. It is very important to include in your diet cottage cheese, dishes from beans, as well as hard cheeses.
Cramps in the legs, the treatment of which does not requireare eliminated not only by special nutrition and medication. Special exercises aimed at stretching muscles are also quite effective. They are described in detail in courses fashionable now in Europe stretching and in Indian yoga. If you exercise regularly, you can achieve increased muscle elasticity and improve their blood supply. As a result of these changes, the metabolism returns to normal, excessive tension and pain in the legs are removed, bringing a special discomfort at night.
Cramps in the legs. Treatment with gymnastic exercises
1. Bend the fingers of the lower limbs and hold them in this position for ten seconds, then return for ten seconds to the starting position, then repeat the exercise again.
2. Stand on the floor with bare feet. Raise yourself on your toes, then drop sharply to the starting position.
3. Set the foot crosswise (you can do it sitting or standing), while leaning only on the outside of the foot.
The above exercises must be repeatedat least five times, before they start, take off your shoes. Plus such gymnastics is that it does not take you much time, and the result will not take long to wait.
Cramps in the legs, which can be treatedproduced by physical exercises, are also eliminated by means of water procedures. This will help the contrast shower before going to bed (recommended alternation temperature - from 40 ° C to 30 ° C). It is important to remember that with varicose veins, the temperature difference should not exceed five degrees.
Leg cramps. Treatment with medications
The best tool for today is considered"Ortocaltsium + magnesium." In its composition - water-soluble vitamin D, calcium and magnesium citrate. In addition, the effective effect of vitamins and minerals contained in this drug. They increase the effect of the main active substances in convulsions.
Take this remedy as follows:in the first week - one teaspoon twice a day, after this time - also a teaspoon, but only once a day before going to bed. Rapid action of the drug is noted. The effect is usually noticeable after a few days, but it can be observed only after a month (when the body makes up for the lack of magnesium).
Treating leg cramps is also popular throughof the drug Ortho Taurine Ergo. Its action is strengthened due to amber and lipoic acids, vitamin E, B and zinc. This tool effectively eliminates the problem of leg cramps in people with hypertension and diabetes, as it normalizes blood pressure and blood sugar. In addition, Ortho Taurine Ergo helps to reduce fatigue from physical and mental stress, protects from muscle damage (especially during sports), and also speeds up the process of their recovery after exercise.
Joint use of the above medicines allows to accelerate the process of recovery.
Alternative to pharmacy drugs can become popular traditional medicine. To forget about cramps in the legs will help rubbing into problem spots mustard or chamomile oil.