/ / Blood pressure: 120 to 60 - normal or deviation?

Blood pressure: 120 to 60 is the norm or the deviation?

About the state of human health can tellvarious indicators: body temperature, blood pressure, blood and urine tests, and the like. Each indicator has its own norms, the excess or decrease of which may adversely affect the entire body.

Suppose a person has a pressure of 120 to 60. What can it say?

To begin with, we note that blood pressure isthis is the internal pressure of the blood vessels. The norm is the pressure of 120 to 80, but not at all and not always. It may change over time, depend on a certain state of the body, be in direct connection with various diseases. For example, with age the body wears out, and a slight increase for a man of forty is no longer a deviation, but a norm. But for a woman in a state of pregnancy, pressure of 120 to 70 and even lower is not uncommon - pressure of 120 to 65, and there is nothing wrong with that if the other indicators do not go beyond what is permitted in such a period. Much more dangerous for the future mother and her fetus is increased pressure. Although such a deviation from the norm is dangerous not only for pregnant women, but also for any person at any age and state of health.

To measure pressure, mankind inventeda cunning device - a tonometer. Today, it can be freely purchased at any pharmacy, and for the price it is available for everyone. On sale you can find dozens of different models, from the usual manual to the ultra-modern machines.

The upper pressure is called systolic, itshows the level at the time of greatest contraction of the heart. And the lower pressure - diastolic, respectively, fixes the maximum relaxation of a vital human organ. According to the rules, these two indicators are written by a fraction.

A pressure of 120 to 60 is lowered normal for an adult, but if the rates fall below 60, then we are already talking about hypotension, and if maximally overestimated - hypertension.

What can affect both the increase andlowering pressure? These can be external and internal factors: time of day, physical activity, psychological state, stimulating substances and medicines, and, in the end, just heredity. At the same time, the body rests at night, and therefore the indices are lower than at daytime. But an active lifestyle, significant physical exertion on the body, fatigue - all leads to an increase. Well, and, of course, in no case can not be nervous - the consequences can be dire. When taking the pills, you must first familiarize yourself with the contraindications and possible consequences of taking the drug. But, say, coffee and strong tea cannot be drunk at all by hypertensive patients, this will only aggravate an already difficult situation.

A pressure of 120 to 60 may result frommental and mental stress, malnutrition, acclimatization, depression and heredity. As a result, the person will feel lethargy, memory deteriorates, constant dizziness, shortness of breath and sweating, even increased meteosensitivity will follow. As a result of all of the above, the body’s performance and the quality of human life will decrease. This is the huge role that such an important indicator plays!

So how do you deal with similar symptoms anddiagnoses and normalize pressure 120 by 60? It is necessary to adjust the mode of the day. You can not overwork yourself, you need to go to bed and get up in time, the body needs sleep and rest. Eat regularly, preferably at the same time, to exclude junk food. In the day should be at least 4 meals, and the diet is rich in nutrients and vitamins. Physical activity does not need to reduce, it is necessary to reduce the overload. For example, refuse to carry weights and go jogging or walking. Well, and, of course, you need to visit a doctor who will prescribe the necessary procedures and drugs.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones!