/ / The drug "Prontosan" (gel): instructions for use, reviews, analogues and composition

The drug "Prontosan" (gel): instructions for use, reviews, analogues and composition

Trophic ulcers, postoperative andtraumatic wounds, bedsores can heal for a very long time. They are accompanied by the release of pus, unpleasant smell, tissue death. To speed up the healing process, special antiseptic agents are used. They kill on the surface of the wound microorganisms that cause putrefaction. One of these antiseptics is "Prontosan" (gel). Instructions for use will provide an opportunity to understand the nuances of its application.

General description and composition

Protosan gel instructions for use

Proper care of the wound surfacepromotes its rapid healing. "Prontosan" is a sterile gel that is already sold ready to use. The tool has no color, but has a slight smell.

You can buy the drug in plastic bottleson 30 ml. It is applied only externally. The product contains undecylenum amidopropyl-betaine, polyhexanide, distilled water, glycerol, hydroxyethylcellulose.

You want to know how the Prontosan function(gel)? The instructions for use indicate such an effect: the main component begins to suppress harmful bacteria on the surface of the wound immediately after application. Due to this, the processes of decay stop and the damaged place gets the opportunity to recover.

Indications and contraindications

If you want to use "Prontosan" (gel), the instructions for use tells about the possibility of cleaning, moisturizing and antimicrobial treatment of damaged surfaces in such cases:

• In the presence of wounds, accompanied by the release of pus and tissue death (bedsores, trophic ulcers).

• After injury.

• In case of thermal or chemical burns (especially if the damage is accompanied by the appearance of a large amount of necrotic tissue, as well as scabs).

• To treat the wound area at the site of the catheter, stoma.

• In the period of postoperative recovery.

However, there are some contraindications. For example, you should not use the drug in case of allergies or idiosyncrasy components of the tool.

Features of use and interaction

protosan gel application instructions reviews
If you were assigned to "Prontosan" (gel),instructions for use (analogs of the drug, we consider below) suggests such features of its use. First of all, the wound should be washed or wiped with a cotton pad moistened with a solution of this medication. At the same time try to walk on the largest area around the damage. This will avoid its infection.

After treatment, the wound should be left alone.10-15 minutes. Next, a gel is applied to the damage. It is desirable to do this directly from the bottle. The preparation layer should not exceed 3 mm. After treatment, apply a bandage to the affected area.

Due to the gel texture, the substance is notspreads over the surface of the wound. Change the bandage should be as the damage clears. In addition, each time it is necessary to additionally treat it with a solution of the presented drug.

If the bandage has dried to the wound, then it should not beto pluck Just moisten it with an antiseptic solution and wait until the gauze is removed. If you use "Prontosan" (gel), instructions for use (reviews allow us to conclude about the high efficiency of the tool) allows in some cases to warm it to a comfortable temperature just before application.

Adverse reactions

Protosan gel instructions for use analogues

Like any other drug, "Prontosan" (gel), the instructions for use of which must be read by the patient, may provoke the development of some side effects. For example:

1. A burning sensation immediately after applying the drug, but it passes quickly.

2. Allergic reaction in the form of itching, skin rash.

special instructions

 Prontosan reviews instruction manual analogues application price

If you purchased Prontosan, the application (priceproducts starts from 600 rubles.) involves a preliminary study of the instructions. For example, you should not combine this drug with other ointments, surfactants and agents with antiseptic properties.

It is necessary to apply means only outwardly.In no case do not enter it intramuscularly or intravenously. Note that during use it is not allowed to get into the eyes or on hyaline cartilage. If this happens, then immediately rinse these places with plenty of saline.

If the bottle touches the surface of the wound during treatment, then it should be discarded. Otherwise, a re-infection of the damaged area may occur.

Analogs, reviews and storage rules

Protosan sterile gel

Keep the drug in place, wellprotected from direct sunlight. Do not put the bottle near the heat source. Storage temperature should not exceed 30 degrees. The shelf life of a closed medication is 3 years. But note that after opening the bottle the substance should be applied within 8 months. After this period, the bottle must be discarded.

If the medicine presented is tooexpensive for you or it causes side effects, then you can consult a doctor about the use of similar in action means. Structural analogues of the "Prontosan" no. This is a unique drug in its composition. But there are means with a similar action: "Solcoseryl", "Actovegin", "Levomekol", "Baneotsin", etc.

As for the reviews, the negative is almostnot. Many patients note that the medicine effectively heals deep and heavy wounds, which are accompanied by severe tissue necrosis. There are almost no side effects. Gel perfectly copes with cleansing wounds. However, to achieve the maximum positive effect, it is necessary to additionally use the Prontosan washing solution. You can purchase these products without a prescription.

That's all.Now you have detailed information about the preparation "Prontosan". Reviews, instructions, analogues, use, price of the drug you have become known. Let this drug is always present in your first-aid kit, especially since it can be used to treat not only adults, but also children. Be healthy!