/ / The drug "Panavir Gel" instruction.

The drug "Panavir Gel" instruction.

All people who have cats, certainly treatedattention to the fact that these animals in the event of illness begin to eat grass. They do this for a reason, because a very large percentage of modern antiviral means of mankind is nothing more than extracts from various herbs. Among such drugs, a worthy place is occupied by a gel intended for local and external use, Panavir Inlayt.

The composition of the drug "Panavir Gel" instruction for itsuse leads to the following: the active substance of this drug is Panavir® patented drug formulation, which is the product of the processing of shoots Solanum tuberosum (potato), their purified extract, in an amount of 0.002 grams per hundred grams of gel. In addition to the active substance, auxiliary substances are included in the formulation: polyethylene oxide 400, glycerin, sodium hydroxide, ethyl alcohol, purified water, lanthanum nitrate. The agent is a homogeneous mass of white color having a weak specific odor.

Pharmacological effect of the drug "Panavir"Gel "instruction for its use describes as follows: this drug exhibits antiviral activity, expressed in virosostatic effects, is intended for external outdoor use. It affects the herpes simplex virus of the first and second types. It is able to suppress replication and polymerase reactions of pathogens by blocking the synthesis of DNA of the virus in infected human skin cells.

Indications for the use of the drug "Panavir"(gel) instruction for its use lists the following: infectious inflammatory skin diseases that are caused by the Herpes simplex virus of the first and second types, including genital herpes.

Contraindications for the use of this drug there are: hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug, pregnancy at any time and the period of breastfeeding.

Dosage and method of application of the drug "Panavir"(gel). It is applied externally. The gel is applied to the lesions of the skin, as well as the mucous membranes, a thin layer five times a day. The course of therapy lasts from four to five days, but can be prolonged according to the indications and up to ten days.

Also for the drug "Panavir" (gel) instructionon its use describes and intravaginal way of use: a small amount of medication is administered vaginally and distributed a thin layer on the walls of the vagina. Therapy is carried out until the clinical manifestations of the disease completely disappear.

Side effect of the drug "Panavir Inlayt" (gel) instruction on its use leads to this: in rare cases there are rapid reddening and itching in places treated with gel.

For the use of the drug, there are a number of special instructions:

1.Treatment is recommended to begin at the earliest stage of the disease, with the first signs of it (tingling, itching, feeling of tension, redness), in this case it is possible to prevent the transition of the disease to the bubble phase.

2. The use of the drug "Panavir (gel) Inlayt" is prohibited in ophthalmology. And when applied to the face it is important not to let it get into the eyes.

Form release of the drug - gel, intendedfor local and external use, containing 0.002 percent of the active substance, in tubings made from polymer materials or from aluminum, varnished. Tubes come in three, five, ten and thirty grams, are supplied with instruction, packed in cardboard packs.

Store the drug recommended in places protected from light and inaccessible to children, at a temperature of four to twenty-five degrees Celsius.