/ / Valerian in tablets. Instructions

Valerian in tablets. Instructions

"Valerian" in tablets, the instruction informs,refers to the pharmacotherapeutic group of sedatives. In its composition - powder from finely ground roots and rhizomes of this healing plant.

"Valerian" in tablets, the instruction contains theseinformation, has a therapeutic effect due to the action of a complex of biologically active substances, among which valepotriates, glycosides, resins, essential oil, polysaccharides, alkaloids, organic acids and others.

The drug under consideration contributes toexpansion of coronary vessels and slowing of heart rhythm. It has a multifaceted effect on the human body, facilitates falling asleep, reduces the excitability of the central nervous system.

It is noted that sedationthe drug in most cases is stable. In addition, "Valerian" in tablets (the instruction informs), is able to activate secretory activity in the gastrointestinal tract and produce a choleretic effect.

The therapeutic effect of the drug is best manifested with its continued regular intake.

The pharmaceutical agent in questionis indicated for use in overexcitation, sleep disorder, frequent headache, minor functional disorders of the digestive and cardiovascular systems.

"Valerian" in tablets. Instructions for use

Medication is indicated for ingestion one at a timetablet immediately before meals no more than three times a day. The drug is recommended to drink with a small amount of water. The duration of the therapeutic course is determined individually by the attending physician.

Against the background of taking the drug, there may be weakness, sluggishness, feelings of depression, drowsiness, a decline in labor productivity.

Contraindication to use is the agethe patient is less than one year old, and also hypersensitivity to the components present in the composition of said medicament. With caution, he is prescribed to women who are expecting a baby, as well as to nursing mothers.

It should be noted that this pharmaceuticalthe drug enhances the effect of sedatives, hypnotics, anelgesic and anxiolytic drugs. The drug is not forbidden to combine with medications that have cardiotonic and hypotensive effects.

In case of overdose, symptomatic treatment should be given, vomiting provoked, and not later than two hours after application of the drug, the stomach should be washed.

The described pharmaceutical agent is available inform of coated tablets. Use them is much more convenient than medicinal tincture. In addition, the liquid form of the drug contains ethanol, contraindicated in women during pregnancy and children.

During the conducted researches it was established,that the tablet after entering the gastrointestinal tract begins its therapeutic effect a little later than the tincture. This is the only difference between these forms of the drug.

At the present time it is quite largethe biologically active additive to food under the name "Valeriana Extra" uses. The composition of this product - lactose, valerian root, glycerin, motherwort, titanium dioxide, calcium stearate and food color.

This drug should be taken two tablets three times a day with food. The use of six tablets daily completely satisfies the body's need for essential oils.

In pharmacies, you can also buy a product"Valerian Forte Evalar". Active ingredients in its composition are extracts of lemon balm, mint and valerian. It is recommended to take one or two tablets 2 times during the day. After a month, you should take a break for ten days, then repeat the course.