/ Enzistal. Instructions for use

Enzistal remedy. Instructions for use

Drug "Enzistal" instructions for usecharacterizes as a means of compensating for the lack of pancreatic enzymes. Active ingredients: Pancreatin, bile extract (bovine), hemicellulose. The drug is available in tablets in the enteric coating.

Means "Enzistal" instructions for userecommends in cases of disorders of the exocrine activity of the pancreas in the middle and mild degree against the background of chronic pancreatitis (except in cases of its exacerbation). The drug is prescribed to improve the function of digestion in ulcerative colitis, after gastric resection, as well as in irritable bowel syndrome. The medicine “Enzistal” also recommends the use instructions for relieving the symptoms of diarrhea of ​​a non-infectious nature, complicated by excessive gas release and bloating.

The drug is shown and to persons who do not have violationsactivity of the digestive system to improve its functions. Means "Enzistal" instructions for use recommends for the elimination of nutritional errors (with excessive consumption of food, intake of fatty, unusual food, irregular meals, and so on). The medicine helps to improve the digestion of food with impaired chewing function. Recommended tool "Enzistal" and before x-ray or ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity.

The drug is indicated as an auxiliary drug to improve the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and a number of medicines (antibiotics, sulfonamides, and others).

Means "Enzistal" instruction recommends that adults take a pill immediately after or during meals. The tablet crush (chew) is not necessary. If necessary, the dosage is doubled.

You can take the drug for a few days (atdigestive disorders as a result of dietary errors), as well as several months or years (with inflammatory and dystrophic gastric pathologies, diseases of the intestine, pancreas, liver, gall bladder in a chronic course, when constant replacement therapy is required). Long courses may be given to older people, as well as to patients after irradiation or resection.

Children from the age of six are advised to take Enzistal during the day twice or three times a tablet after a meal.

Do not take the drug during the exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis (or acute pancreatitis).

When administering Enzistal to patients with diabetes, it is necessary to take into account that the tablets contain sugar.

Pregnancy and lactation are notcontraindications to the use of the drug. However, the expediency of his appointment is established only by the doctor. At the same time it is necessary to compare the estimated risk to the fetus or newborn and the expected benefit to the mother.

During the research, no negativeeffects on the speed of human psychomotor reactions. In this regard, the instruction does not provide for restrictions in prescribing the Enzistal medicine to persons engaged in potentially hazardous activities.

It should be remembered that the drug can cause a numberundesirable manifestations. In particular, when using the medication, diarrhea or constipation may occur. In addition, the possible conditions associated with the manifestation of hypersensitivity to the tool (sneezing, tearing, redness of the skin). Experts, however, note that with the use of the drug "Enzistal" in recommended doses, side effects are unlikely.

To contraindications to the appointment of the druginclude hypersensitivity, mechanical jaundice, hepatitis (acute), pancreatitis (acute), obstruction in the intestine of a mechanical nature. Children up to the age of six also do not recommend Enzistal.

Patient reviews about the drug are mostly positive. The advantages of the drug are its affordable cost, speed and good tolerability.

At the same time, experts recommend taking medication "Enzistal" to coordinate with your doctor.