/ / The drug "Kurantil" instruction

The drug "Kurantil" instruction

Medicinal product "Kurantil"stops platelet aggregation, improves microcirculation. The drug is able to expand the arterioles of the coronary blood flow, enhance its volumetric rate. Expansions of larger vessels do not occur. The drug "Kurantil" is able to develop collateral, stabilize the kidney and improve the cerebral blood flow. Taking medication prevents the formation of thrombi in deep veins after surgery. The active ingredient is dipyridamole.

The drug "Kurantil" instruction allowsappointment in the period of gestation. In obstetrical practice, the medication is able to stabilize the placental blood flow, eliminate hypoxia in the fetal tissues, promote the accumulation of glycogen in them, prevent changes in the placenta of a dystrophic nature. Also, the drug "Curantil" increases the resistance (nonspecific) to viral infections.

The active ingredient is a pyrimidine derivative. Dipiridamole, being an inducer of interferon, is able to have a modulating effect on the functional abilities of the interferon system.

The medicine "Kurantil." Instructions. Indications.

A drug is prescribed for prevention andtherapeutic purposes for circulatory disorders of the type of ischemia, with discirculatory encephalopathy. The medication is also indicated for the prevention of venous and arterial thromboses and their consequences, placental insufficiency against the background of complicated gestation, thromboembolism after interventions for prosthetic heart valves. In the case of influenza and acute respiratory viral infection, the drug "Kurantil" is allowed for use as an immunomodulator and inducer of interferon. The medication is indicated for primary and secondary prevention of coronary heart disease (especially when hypersensitivity to acetylsalicylic acid), disorders of microcirculation of various types (in complex therapy).

The dosage regimen is established in accordance with the patient's condition, the severity of the disease.

It is recommended for IHD for three tablets three times a day. Increase the dosage if necessary under the supervision of a doctor.

To treat and prevent disorders in the cerebral circulation, as well as to prevent the formation of thrombosis, three times a day for 75 mg (three tablets) is recommended.

For the prevention of acute respiratory viral infection and influenza, particularly intime of epidemics, the drug "Curantil" instruction recommends taking 50 mg (two tablets) once a day, once a week. Duration of use - from four to five weeks.

To prevent relapse in patients,subject to respiratory viral infections, the medication is prescribed two tablets twice a day (with a break of two hours) once a week. Duration of admission - eight or ten weeks.

To apply the drug "Curantil" during pregnancy, the dosage is usually set as follows: twice or thrice a day, one tablet.

Medication should be taken on an empty stomach, swallowing whole. Tablets should not be chewed, it is recommended to drink with a small amount of water.

When using the drug, the following are possiblereactions: vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, urticaria, dizziness, myalgia. At the use of the raised doses tides, a tachycardia (in particular against reception of other vasodilating agents), an arterial hypotension can be marked.

It should be noted that the use of the drug inrecommended amounts, usually does not cause side effects or causes negligible negative reactions that quickly pass even with prolonged use of the medication.

About reception of means "Kurantil" at pregnancyreviews can be found different. For some women, the drug does not fit, while others, on the contrary, feel fine. Before using the medication it is necessary to consult the doctor, to identify possible contraindications to the use.